Looks Like I Will Be Building a CH750

I have 95% decided that the CH750 will be what I am going to build.  I should be ordering plans in the next few days and planning out my tools, etc from there.  I have a set of CH701 plans (had them for  while) and my original idea was to build a 701 with some mods to make it more like a CH750 but I believe the best path forward is to just build a 750.  While I do not need the "extreme STOL" capabilities, I would like to retain good STOL performance in trade for some increase in cruise.  I am not wanting to make a speed demon out of it, but if I did decide to take a trip a little better cruise would be nice.  I do not want to destroy it's slow flying fun as I am sure that will be what I will spend a lot of time doing, especially as a new pilot.  I know slow flying stability/low stall and a faster cruise are trade offs, but I am hoping in my research to find some simple mods that will be a good compromise, such as VGs instead of slats and maybe not so fat tires, etc.  Engine choices will have some small effect on cruise, and I have not made an engine choice yet.  Lots of research to do now that I am fairly certain this is the direction I will go.   The CH750, other than fast folding wings, covers my wants and needs in a plane.

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Comment by Randy Langdon on July 29, 2013 at 12:27pm
I will definitely be operating from a grass strip, but I do see where larger wheel mods would be easy enough. I like the wheel pants but I could use larger ones if I use larger tires.
Comment by John Austin on July 29, 2013 at 7:32am

Totally different wing with a thinner airfoil and only has a single strut and no jury struts, so the internal structure is different, too. The tail is totally different and more conventional. This is not a STOL airplane. I believe Sebastien said the fuselage is very similar to the STOL 750's.

Comment by Randy Langdon on July 29, 2013 at 7:20am
Does anyone know if the Cruzer is using a different airfoil from the CH750? I know the slats are not used, but wondering if the airfoil was modified any?
Comment by John Austin on July 28, 2013 at 12:16pm

One consideration on Cruzer vs STOL 750 will be whether you're operating off turf or not. The Cruzer wont be very happy on turf with those small tires and wheel fairings. However, it probably would be no problem to up-size the Cruzer to 6 inch wheels, 600 tires, and delete the fairings. If you truly want some STOL capability, then a STOL 750  slatless with VG's would be a good compromise.

Comment by Bob Pustell on July 28, 2013 at 11:20am

I'm with Vincent Demers -- you are describing the new Cruzer variant of the 750 as what you want. Just build a Cruzer rather than re-engineering the 750. It is basically a 750 with the mods you described, but it has been done by the factory and debugged for you, no need to re-invent the wheel.

Comment by Vincent Demers on July 26, 2013 at 9:12am

If you don't need the extreme STOL capabilities and need more cruise speed, why don't you go for the new cruzer?  I think it's exactly what you need.....




Comment by John Austin on July 26, 2013 at 7:33am
Engine choices will have some small effect on cruise, and I have not made an engine choice yet.

Engine choice will have a very small effect on cruise. With the high-drag airframe, you'll "hit the wall" somewhere between 80-90 mph and more hp will result in little increase. You're on the right track with going slatless if you don't need extreme STOL capability - that'll probably give you a 10% cruise increase "for free!" There's not much of a trade-off, the 750 flies slow fine without slats, but better with VG's!

Comment by Bob McDonald on July 26, 2013 at 7:17am
I cruise 93-95 mph. Rotax 912S 100 hp engine. The CH750 is easy & fast to build as a kit. Much larger than the CH701.
Comment by Jesse Hartman on July 26, 2013 at 6:32am

I have seen 2 750's in person and  both people said they cruise now where near the published speed.  85MPH was what they said they were getting.  I think if you ask around here you will find this to be true.  Good luck with your build.

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