Have ordered an IO233 for $23K due in 60 days. Is anyone out there also going with this engine? Would like to share in the design of this installation.

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Comment by Ken Ryan on March 1, 2013 at 5:43pm

I'm with Geoff--what can be expected from a company that can't even be bothered to list the engine on their website?

Comment by Geoff Klestadt on March 1, 2013 at 5:00pm
I went to the Avalon Airshow yesterday. There was a Lycoming stand with an o233 on it. I asked the salesman why I should by the io233 instead of the rotax 912 iS, giving him an opportunity to sell it to me. He wasn't interested in trying.

Frankly lycomings marketing is shocking, as is there attitude to their potential customers. I can download the entire documentary suite for the 912 iS installation manual, operating. Handbook, maintenance manual, heavy maintenance manual and illustrated parts catalogue.

Try finding out anything from Lycoming about any of their engines, especially the io233, they can jam that engine up their....
Comment by Ron Belknap on March 29, 2011 at 9:21am

Only the engine, the FWF kit hasn't even been designed. Needs engine for design. No production yet.

Comment by Bruce Woodry on January 1, 2011 at 9:05pm


We have a CH 750m do you know if there is a firewall forward kit for it?


Comment by Ron Belknap on December 21, 2010 at 10:01pm
Paul good though. I had a Cessna310 that when you would pump from the aux tanks the excess would return to the mains. You couldn't use the aux tanks untill the mains were used some. Not my problem with this plane.Both tanks are connected together with one fuel valve. This system has plusses ans mines. 
Comment by Paul Bonasera on December 21, 2010 at 10:41am

I belive that is a safeer and simplier wat to return fuel, hopefully you have valves to each tank. If you return fuel only to one tank there is a possibility of overfilling that tank in flight. The plane I have now tends to use fuel from the left tant more then the right and at fifst I was dumping fuel in flight. Now I run the right tank to about half then switch to both, I beleve this is due to a higher vent presure in the left tank. Also since I prefer not to use airports my plane is sometimes parked on uneven ground, if you can"t keep the fuel from going down hill one tank may overflow. Fuel lines and systems need to be safe and simple. good luck

Comment by Ron Belknap on December 20, 2010 at 1:22pm

That's me. Wings are done and painted when I decided on the IO-233. I,m not wanting to cut into my wing where the tank return that I pluged is located. But here is my theory. The return flow is always going to be less than the flow from the tank obviously since it cant pump more out than is commimg in. The return head pressure at the pump would be sleightly greater than the the fuel supply pressure at the pump since the head of the return at the tank is slightly above the gas level in the tank. So why not connect the pump return into the supply line just before the gas colator instead of running a separate line to the tank? The flow from the tank would be decreased by the amount of the pump return and the supply line pressure may increase some minor amount which would be benificial. I would appreciate comments on this theory.

Comment by Jeff Webb on December 19, 2010 at 2:42pm

What if you've already built your wings? How can you run the return line for a Fuel Injection? Just curious if anyone has done this.

Comment by Mike Ethridge on December 17, 2010 at 6:03am

IO233 price sheet format is little messed up from cut/paste.


Roller Tappet System (most Models)                                                                                         No Charge

Automatic Upgrades           Crankshaft Dynamic Balancing                                                    No Charge

                                                Precision Static Balancing (Pistons and rods to ½ gram)          No Charge

                                                Port and Polish/ Volumetric Cylinder Matching                           No Charge


Oil System                             Christen Inverted Oil System (minus hoses)                          $1,000


                                                 Sky Tec L/W Inline Starter                                                     $   475

Starter                                    Sky Tec L/W High Torque                                                      $   475


                                                    Airflow Performance Injection                                               No Charge

Fuel Injection Systems          Precision Silver Hawk Injection                                             No Charge



                                                 Slick (1 L-Imp 1 R- STD)                                                        No Charge

                                                Retard Mag (ea) substitute for Impulse Mag                          No Charge

Ignition                                   2nd Impulse Mag (ea) instead of Plain                                     $    380                                                                         Delete one side of ignition system                                          $  - 300

                                                Delete entire ignition system                                                     $  - 600



                                                Thunderbolt Show Gray                                                           No Charge

Engine Color                         Gloss Black                                                                             No Charge

                                                 Two-Tone Show Gray/Gloss Black                                        $     200

                                                Custom Color (most colors)                                                    $     200

                                               Two-Tone custom colors (most colors)                                   $     400


                                                Rocker Box Covers                                                                 $     425

Chrome (4 Cylinder)           Intake Pipes                                                                             $     355

                                                Push Rod Tubes                                                                      $     535

                                                Full Chrome Kit (includes all above)                                       $  1,100



                                                Rocker Box Covers                                                                 $     687

Chrome (6 Cylinder)            Intake Pipes                                                                            $     483

                                                Push Rod Tubes                                                                      $     800

                                                Full Chrome Kit (includes all above)                                       $  1,800






Thunderbolt Engines 2010 Price Sheet












































IO-390-EXP       (10:1)














IO-580-B1A       (10:1)   




AEIO-580-B1A  (10:1)


Comment by Paul Bonasera on December 13, 2010 at 9:56pm

I dont have an exhaust or oil cooler. i plan on a remote cooler and will more than likly  build my own exhaust (4 into 2 without a muffler) unless something turns up. I have an alt. from a GEO STORM that I've made a mount and bracket for, and a light wt. starter. I'll be building my own mount also (strat not dynafocal) 

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