Mobility Cart Tug - and Keeping the Wife Involved

I bought a $40 non-working mobility cart at a yard sale. I got lucky and, although the wiring was all screwed up , the 24 volt motor still worked. 

When I bought it I told my wife this was HER aircraft tug. It was a way of getting her partially involved in the plane. Of course now the pressure was on me to actually make it work.

I ripped all of the wiring out and put a toggle switch on/off control on the mini-panel. I quickly learned that I would need a motor speed controller to be able to slowly accelerate the plane. Amazon came thru with a $6, 24 volt speed controller. I had no idea if it would work since I know pretty much squat about electrical systems. I added it to the circuit and it worked like a charm.

I made a tow bar from bolted together angle ( I don't know how to weld). Teh first one failed after the first use but the second one is working fine so far.

I needed the tug because I'm old and the plane has to be moved about 75 feet from my hanger to get to a paved area where it can be started (nothing but gravel in between).

Here's Linda towing the plane for the first time:

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Comment by Raymond Paul on October 28, 2016 at 4:27am

excellent plan

Comment by Gary Welch on October 20, 2016 at 12:38pm
Right now the tug does not back up as there is no reverse on it. I may look at adding another attach point on the front to be able to push it backwards.
Comment by Bob McDonald on October 20, 2016 at 12:16pm

Way too funny :>)  Great video.

How good is she at backing up? That's my weakness.

Comment by Robert Lemke on October 20, 2016 at 12:03pm

Watched the video.... Not bad for $40.00. Will consider one for my wife as well.

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