I suspect large visual progress is now over, time to get the hidden stuff installed like the controls. Some Wiring and fuel lines.

Unexpected was the installation of the windows I would rather have left them off but they are captured under peices that need to be riveted in. They look real nice but I will have to recover them so they saty clean.

The fuselage has been moved to other side of hanger, I needed room for a local RAA meeting to talk about the new 750 parts everyone saw in the box last Monday, tonights topic was the STOL 750 and how the kit has progressed over the years compared to the 701 wehn it was first released as a kit. Needless to say that those who saw a box of parts on the previous Monday could hardly believe there eyes. True it was a very hard week of long hours, but still it was just a week and the wife says I need to lose more weight anyways.

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Comment by Debra and Patrick Nesbitt on February 17, 2009 at 10:52am
Nice job Mark, you are really moving ahead fast, thanks for the pictures.

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