Has anyone experienced this when joining the 701 rear fuselage to forward cabin? I built the rear fuselage and clecoed the seat back in place to the side vertical channels and uprights per the drawings. All dimensions and squareness checked out right on the money--not even off a milimeter. Same with the forward fuselage. When the seat back z-channel and 7F13-1 gussets were in place an riveted, the seat back no longer fit. In fact, at the z-channel I found the rivet holes through the side uprights have moved outward by 7mm. The upright and side channel doublers were clecoed in place thoughout the junction process. I found the bottom and top dimensions and the squareness of the fuselage were still exact. No other choice but to replace the seat back.

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Comment by Harvey Richards on November 13, 2009 at 8:28am
The extrusions that carry back from the front fuselage into the rear tend to push the side skins apart. The problem with placing the 7F13-1 gussets and drilling them is that the width is already set by the seat back which has been pre-drilled and must be the same exactly for everything to line up. I struggled also with mine.
Comment by Don Herbel on November 12, 2009 at 8:34pm
Thanks for the reply, Gary. I like the photos of your 701. I pour over the drawings continously and try to anticipate problems. I find that if I stay with the project on a regular schedule, I'm more successful in spotting those problems before the drill bit hits the metal. Have you painted your plane yet?
Comment by Gary Eady on November 12, 2009 at 7:25pm
Contrary to what the manual says, I built the forward fuselage first but still had issues with joining the 2 halves together and keeping everything square. I think from memory that the pre-drilled holes in the rear fuselage botton skin were about 10mm out where they fitted the undercariage channel. I had to redrill the holes (staggered) in the lower skin to get the necessary edge clearances. I gained a few grey hairs and the blood pressure soared to the red line upper limits during the joining process, I remember well.

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