Hi Everyone

Natfly 2010 at Temora Australia was a great event.

Natfly is the National Fly-in for Recreational Aircraft of Australia (RA Aus) the body that governs aircraft up to 600 Kg in Australia

The change of venue went very well and there is a lot more space for everyone.

Zenair Australia had a site with three 601 XLs on display, they were Peter Franke, Geoff Moore and Allan Barton.

Demo flights where had by builders and people interested in Zenith aircraft.

The Zenair BBQ on Friday night went well, with Chris Sinfield cooking and making sure everyone had something to eat and drink, a good time was had by all. The Zenair BBQ will be held each year at Natfly on the Friday night and will get bigger as more Zenith aircraft are finished and fly to Temora.

Prospective builders showed great interest in the CH 750 wing skeleton on display, which showed how advanced the kit now is, with the CNC pilot holes and cutting.

There were estimates of over 1000 aircraft visiting Natfly this year and the weather was just great.

On the flight back I even had a 25knt tailwind coming back to Bendigo

I was great putting faces to fellow Zenith builders and I hope to meet many more at Natfly 2011 at Temora

I would like to thank Geoff, Chris and Mark who helped out on the Zenair Stand and Peter and Geoff for
putting their planes one display


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