O200 Continental with no mechanical fuel pump in CH650B

I am building a CH650 and I am planning to use the engine from my old C150 (O200A) that was overhauled 3 years ago. The O200 does not have any mechanical fuel pump on it. It was feed by gravity (high Wing). Anyone has any data on this type of arrangement - converted to low wing? I was thinking of a Primary Electrical Pumps and one or two back-up pumps. Any ideas are appreciated.



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Comment by Jon Reddick on October 3, 2015 at 8:16am
The reason us Corvair guys use two pumps on the firewall is to keep pressurized fuel out of the cabin. In case of a leak, a fuel pump that is sucking fuel won't dump fuel in the cabin like one that is pushing fuel. The Facet pumps we use are more than capable of pulling fuel the 6 feet or so from the tanks to the engine.
Comment by ray atkinson on October 2, 2015 at 10:57pm

The rv guys put two pumps in each wingroot, a main and backup. No on off or selecter valves, could put the backups on there own battery. When I first heard of this I thought it was best idea yet.

Comment by Floyd Wilkes on September 30, 2015 at 8:29pm

I have this engine in my 601xl.  I used two of the electric pumps (one supplied with kit) in series.  I also added a secondary battery for emergency use.  Have been flying since 2008 with no problems.

Comment by Jon Reddick on September 30, 2015 at 9:23am

Get a copy of William Wynne's corvair fuel/ignition diagram (and maybe even the zenith installation manual) and take a look at how it is set up.  In principle, it is the exact same fuel setup that you're needing, and even uses the same carburetor.  Simple and works great.  The manual lists everything you need down to the part numbers and sources.  

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