EAA Oshkosh AirVenture 2022 Preview

We look forward to seeing many of you at the annual EAA Oshkosh AirVenture fly-in convention (July 25 - 31, 2022)! Whether you're a current builder or owner, or just looking at starting on your own project, there is always something for Zenith Aircraft builders and flyers at Oshkosh! [Check out photos from last year.]

Once again we have many Zenith activities planned during the week, including the hands-on Zenith workshop demonstrations in the EAA AeroPlane Hangar just North of the Zenith display (in the North Aircraft Display area, #610 & 611, same as last year). There will be daily opportunities there to learn more about building a Zenith kit. As a matter of fact, there may be the opportunity to work on YOUR kit aircraft there: we can bring parts for your Zenith tail or wing section and actually start assembly in Oshkosh as part of the workshop! Also, there are a few spots available for new builders to assemble a Zenith rudder kit (for the Zenith model of your choice) at Oshkosh in the Aeroplane Hangar. Let us know as soon as practical if this is an opportunity you may be interested in. Check out this video from last year.

Also, we'll be driving the Zenith cargo van up to Oshkosh (as part of the Zenith display) and we'll have some space available for parts and kits that we can deliver to you on our way to Oshkosh (either meeting you along the way or having you pick up parts/kit at Oshkosh). Let us know as soon as possible if you'd like to make arrangements for parts/kit delivery. Check out this video from earlier this year as we delivered a few kits on our way to Sun 'n Fun.

We'll provide you with more updates prior to Oshkosh, but be sure to make plans to join us for the annual Zenith "Banquet Dinner" at Oshkosh, celebrating Zenith's 30th anniversary. Thursday, July 28 @ 7:00 pm. Informal dinner at The Mineshaft Oshkosh (across from the airport), organized once again by local builder Joe Scheibinger. Details and RSVP.

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