Part 10: Installing the "Upgrade Package" to our Zodiac CH 601 XL: Replacing the Fuselage Rear Wing Attach Plates

Here we move over to the aircraft fuselage and center spar section. Roger reviews the draft drawing 6-ZU-3.
Again, remember that the posted drawings are in DRAFT form and we are currently finalizing them...

We'll be replacing the original rear wing attach plate (6B5-4) with a heavy-duty 1/8-inch 6-ZU-3-5 Attach Plate. This is the plate that sticks out the sides of the center fuselage and that bolts to the wing's rear channel. Note that the CH 650 model already uses a 1/8-inch rear (65B5-4), so this only applies to the CH 601 XL model.

Reaching behind the seat back we drill out the original attach plates. After having drilled out the plate (6B5-4), we clamp it to the new thicker plate (same dimensions) and back drill into the new attach plate 6-ZU-3-5. We do this for the plates on both sides...

The new heavy-duty 1/8-inch 6-ZU-3-5 Attach Plate next to the original 6B5-4 plate:

Reaching behind the seat area, we have access to cleco the new plate into position before riveting it back in.
Below is the right side of the fuselage:

We push the left (pilot's) side Attach Plate into position to cleco and rivet it:

The new Attach Plate 6-ZU-3-5 riveted in place (viewed from the outside, right side of fuselage):

Here's the video clip: Replacing the Fuselage Rear Wing Attach Plates:

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Comment by Jake Reyna on November 21, 2009 at 10:02am
Since they haven't removed any rivets on the outside, my guess is that it will require a little persuasion. I would slightly chamfer the leading edge and some WD40. Or we could just wait for the official procedure.
Comment by van Cutsem Francis on November 20, 2009 at 7:55am
" The new part looks to be more than twice as thick as the origial. How did it fit is the tight space of the old part. How did you get it in? "

Any answer for that problem ???
Comment by Greg P Couttie on November 19, 2009 at 12:40pm
Its the grab handle on top of the instrument panel.
Comment by Greg P Couttie on November 19, 2009 at 11:51am
The standard 0.063" attach plate (is/should be) sandwitched tight between 6B5-6 upright channel and the 6B5-1 rear seat panel ,as the uprights are fixed to the fuselage side skin joint and the rear seat panel has an (L angle )securing it in position, how can you slide out the old and refit the new one that is 0.125" in the same gap ?.
Comment by Greg Browning on November 18, 2009 at 6:26pm
On my original plate i had to put a small relief cut on the top edge to allow for a potruding revit on the rear wing channel. I used a round file so it wouldnt fatigue...I hope. Is that going to compromise stregnth?
Comment by Bob Sturgis on November 18, 2009 at 5:20pm
The new part looks to be more than twice as thick as the origial. How did it fit is the tight space of the old part. How did you get it in?

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