My 750 has an O-200 engine and I NEVER see 1000 FPM climb or 100MPH cruise or the claimed range. I would love to hear what other folks have found.

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Comment by Peter Bennett on August 27, 2011 at 7:59pm
Kenneth - Sounds fairly close to what I see. There are a number of variables that affect performance: density altitude (usually around 2,000 ft, Where the variable pitch prop is set, and the mixture setting. Overall I would say we're about the same. I suspect almost all 750 owners prefer your kind of flying. I appreciate your response.
Comment by kenneth capenter on August 27, 2011 at 7:34pm
I have a 750 with O-200 engine(older model with light starter and alternator).  I am flying out of a 800 ft elevation field.  I cruise at 2400RPM and see speeds of 80 MPG.  It will climb 1000 FPM for about a thousand feet at 55-60 MPH(2550 RPM).  I get 5.25GPH at 2400 RPM.  If I push the RPM up to 2550 it will get up to 85-88 MPH.  There are faster planes but overall, I am quite satisfied with the 750.  At times I wish I had the 120 HP Jab engine.  Mainly I just fly the local area and did not plan to use the Zenith for cross country, though I guess it will doit at 80 MPH. 
Comment by Shay King on July 19, 2011 at 3:00pm
It would be good to get weight and balance and performance figures for the CH750 with the various engines that have been fitted for comparison.
Comment by Mike Hammond on July 15, 2011 at 7:05pm

Make sure timing is set at 28 degrees not 24 degrees.  This is a starting point.

Comment by Chris Aysen on July 15, 2011 at 10:47am

Peter - If the engine was overhauled I would probably question that it is the light version of the 0200. That 750 would have had to do alot of flying. You might want to get the information Sebastien suggested.


Comment by Peter Bennett on July 14, 2011 at 5:52pm
Good questions all, Sebastien. I know very little about engines. The guy who sold the plane insisted the engine is a C O-200 100 hp (light version) with nearly zero time since overhaul. The guy I hired to look over the plane said about the same. I've flown the plane over 100 hours under lots of various circumstances and have consistently had MUCH lower numbers. The prop is a ground-adjustable. The seller and the pro I hired to interface and advise implied that there are exaggerations when publishing (advertising) performance numbers. I hope other flying owners have some numbers to share.
Comment by Sebastien Heintz on July 14, 2011 at 5:02pm
What engine model and prop configuration are you using?  Is it an 100-hp O-200 or an older C-90 or C-85?  What prop (diameter / pitch) are you using?  What size wheels and tires?  At what density alt. are you operating? Weight?  There are many factors that affect aircraft performance.

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