I finished riveting the tail today. Am waiting for fuselage to ship. Super easy to build. Almost no parts. Didn't spend many hours. Didn't keep track. Not a record keeper. I have the green inline pneumatic rivet puller. I finally figured 50 psi and an adjustable air flow restrictor valve allows the rivet gun to square itself to the rivet head before snapping it off. With full 90 psi and full flow the rivet is pulled almost instantly, with no ability to control the gun before, during, or after the pull. Not good for old guys. Good luck to all.

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Comment by Lyndon Leining on April 1, 2014 at 8:03pm

I would like to further explain why restricting the speed of the pneumatic riveter is a good thing to improve the  quality of the rivet set. When we wish to set a rivet we try to square the small concave rivet forming tip to the aluminum being riveted. As the stem is pulled it pulls this tip into perfect square If the inertial mass of the riveter Doesn't keep it from happening. A highly skilled craftsman may do an acceptable squaring by eye at high speed but if you want help from your gun restrict its air flow, hold it lightly and let it square itself before the stem sets the rivet. At high speeds the small rivet head moments cannot accelerate the large mass of the gun into square before the rivet is pulled so whatever small angle is present is probably locked in or may slightly change the angle of the surface aluminum depending on its thickness and that of its underlying structure. Anyway now I will sleep better. Good luck to all.

Comment by Tim Garrett on March 30, 2014 at 4:43pm
Please call them blind rivets not pop rivets. Pop rivets are very different and not aircraft quality. We don't want to mislead anyone.

Congratulations on your progress! Keep going! It gets more challenging, I promise

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