Hello, Im a new guy on the block, looking for any advice on a prop for a continental 0200A on my 750.  Any recommendations? Was told Warp Drive props were'nt too good......Thank you........Scott

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Comment by Mark Maltais on December 12, 2014 at 12:06pm

Yep, the O-200 should have a 2750 RPM. Did you ever get it figured out?

I finally started doing run-up tests on my setup this fall.  My max RPM is 2600 and to get my Warp Drive to spin at that I had to set the pitch to about 7.5 degrees.  That's my static speed.  Also at that power level my plane "jumped" it's chocks, and the brakes wouldn't hold it back!  Me Likey!!!  So I'm guessing 11 degrees might be too much for your prop pitch?

Comment by Robert L. Weil on August 14, 2013 at 7:08am

Thanks Mark.  We are doing about 2450 static on the ground.  Maybe a little higher with leaning.  We have the initial test flight data on this plane and they started with a 14 degree pitch and lowered it to 11 where it is now.  Somehow they got much better climb performance then than we have now  Isn't the Continental O-200 supposed to do 2750?

Comment by Mark Maltais on August 13, 2013 at 1:27pm
I don't have my documentation here with me but I'm pretty sure it recommended I start with a "steep" pitch of around 9 degrees on mine! 11 might be too much? What RPM are you turning at that pitch??
Comment by Robert L. Weil on August 13, 2013 at 12:38pm

We just bought a 601HDS and flew it from Colorado to Florida.  It isn't performing as advertised in climb or cruise.    Only climbs at 300fpm at 3000 PA and cruises at 85-90 knots true.  It has a Continental O-200 with a 3 bladed Warp Drive Prop set at 11 degrees.  Any ideas as to pitch the prop should be or any other things to look at?


Comment by Dr. Donald Miles on May 20, 2013 at 4:46pm

I started with a Sensenich  72 inch wood prop (52 pitch) on my 601XL with a C-90 and it was not enough pitch. I replaced it with a Whirl Wind ground adjustable and it is great. I gained 15 mph cruise and 300 fpm climb.

Comment by Scott Mascher on May 18, 2013 at 7:38pm

Hey thanks for the response on the prop for 0200A. I did hear that the Warp Drive was too light, but will look into the 2 blade, what size 72"?  Thanks Again ......Scott

Comment by Jimmy Young on May 17, 2013 at 6:27pm
Hi Scott,
I've got the Whirlwind ground-adjustable prop on my 750 with a C-90. I've never had anything else on it to compare, but this one is working great for me. I like being able to dial it in to the correct pitch. I've got 180 + hrs. on it now and so far it's held up fine.
Comment by Tracy Buttles on May 17, 2013 at 2:22pm
the warp drive on the 0-200 will work , two balde better , most of the problem I had was its to light !! hard on the starter gear
Comment by Mark Maltais on May 17, 2013 at 12:48pm

I've never heard anything bad about warp drives...where you hear that? 

I have a 3 bladed warp drive on mine but haven't flown with it yet.  Mine is on a Lycoming O-235 though...everything fit like a glove when I put it together.

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