I'm Mike van Rensburg from Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Received the 650 plans yesterday and very eager to start. I have done a lot of research and planning. Now that I've received the plans & photo manuals even more studying will take place!!!!

Will start to work on the rudder very soon. Was very fortunate to attend a rudder workshop early in December when Philip Cronje of Bundu Aviation (Zenith dealer in South Africa) came to PE to deliver Michael Hübsch's 801 kit. I can see why so many builders advise us new guys to attend such a workshop. Learn't sooooo much. Wish it was so easy to attend a Corvair College!!!!

I am scratchbuilding and realise that it will be long and slow. Unfortunately I am out of town on business about 2 weeks every month. Means I will have to put in extra time whenever I am in town.

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Comment by Zenith.Aero on January 7, 2009 at 4:10pm
Mike - we look forward to reading about your progress as you start building! Keep us up to date of your progress...

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