I received the upgrade kit Friday Jan 15. Many thanks to Doug and Lori at Quality Sport Planes, Cloverdale, CA., for getting all the pieces sorted, re-boxed, and sent out quickly. I noticed a couple things.

1) The aileron balance drawing is still size A and illegible. Is there a source for a size B drawing that can be read? I cringe at putting these balance weights in at all, and to have to guess at most of it isn't sitting well with me. I do have the .pdf file of the drawing and can use it on a computer to zoom in to sections in question. What do others do?

2) A letter was included with the information pack titled "Safety Alert / Safety Directive", dated November 7, 2009 (Revision 1) The last page of the Safety Alert list the operating limits after the upgrade is complete. It references the POH dated November 9, 2009. The November 9 POH has reduced speeds for Vne, Vc, Va, and so on. Have these Nov 9 POH speed limits been returned back to the original speeds or are they expected to be permanent?

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Comment by Louis W. Ott on January 16, 2010 at 7:23pm
Thanks Mark. I tried expanding the aileron balance drawing .pdf and printing it, but it still came out matched to the paper size. I'll experiment some more with the printer and Adobe reader settings. Good to know it is possible to do. It's also a relief to know the operating limits return to normal when this is finished.
Comment by Mark Ertz on January 16, 2010 at 7:12pm
1. Enlarge it on your printer. Put in the mass balance. Read Matheiu response on matter in Q&A to my qusetions, the same.
2. With the full upgrade you go back to the Va numbers as stated on this website.

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