As purchased, the main landing gear was reversed to put the gear 4 inches forward (see photos) to help the builder better hold off the nose gear when landing.  I plan to put it back to its intended (correct) position.  The engine is an O-235.

What is the best method to support the airframe when removing the main gear and reattaching it?

I plan to support the wings under a rib on each side using sailplane wing supports and the fuselage under the width of a bulkhead with the nose gear supporting the front of the fuselage.

Is there a better way?

Dick Miles




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Comment by Rheal Comte on April 1, 2020 at 4:27pm

Hi, Can you share the latest on this subject. I am also considering alternatives. Yours is not reversed. The flat side is FWD as per plan. I think you should be OK the way it is with a O-235.


Comment by Bryan Martin on July 25, 2018 at 12:45pm
I built mine the "correct" way. On landing, I had to pull back quickly on the stick and center the rudder pedals to keep the noise wheel from slamming down and putting a side load on the fork. I had about 300 lbs on the nose wheel. I reversed the gear and saw major improvement. I have a Subaru engine. Now if two people board at once, it will put the tail on the ground. So only one can board at a time, I can live with that. The builder probably had a very good reason to reverse the gear. I suggest you should. Leave as is. Maybe find a way to install a step in front of the wing.
Comment by Dick Miles on June 26, 2018 at 9:54am

It is turned around.

Note the shape of the gear legs, the bolt notches on the legs by the fuselage and the brake calipers on the front of the legs.

Have not taken action to do anything yet but fly it as much as possible. However, the builder weighed 125 lbs and I weigh 225 lbs, so when I get on the step at the back of the wing the nose gear lifts off. If two people get on at the same time it goes down to the tail ring.

Comment by Jay Carter on June 13, 2018 at 8:11pm

         I would leave the gear as is. With Jabiru engine the nose comes down when the mains touch. Turned mine around to shorten the wheelbase. Helps but still is heavy on the nose. Don't remember the weight removed from the nose but it was considerable.

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