I'm up to lay out for the rivit line for the elevator hinge. The 40 pitch works out between the ribs. But outside the last rib to the end rib I ended up with 34 pitch to evenly space the last two rivits to the end of the hinge. Then 37 to get even spacing for the 5 from the end of the hinge to end rib. If anyone knows if this is something that will come back to bite me please speak up. I know the 37 is with tolerance set in the construction guide. I'm wondering about the 34. Stopped there for the weekend. I have not drilled anything yet, so it's unchangeable at this piont.

Rich Rost
CH 650
N650MD (reserved)

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Comment by Jake Reyna on August 3, 2009 at 7:38am
You should at least meet the rivet spacing in the plans. Don't stretch the rivet spacing. Better to add another rivet and build a stronger airplane. At the end of some rivet lines the plans call for closer rivet spacing, once you place those, then work out the remaining spacing to meet or exceed specs.

Are you using the Adjustable Rivet Spacer? It is worth the money. On my workbench I laid out various rivet pitches and set the Rivet Spacer to the required setting. Unless I was right on, I would collapse the Spacer and that would add one more rivet.

So, if the plans call for a 37mm rivet spacing and you find you are 3mm short, collapse the Rivet spacer to add another rivet. It's not important if the spacing is 36.5mm or 36.2mm, just so long as the spacing isn't more than 37mm as used in this example.

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