Does anyone have any experience or info on using a 582 in a CH 701?

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Comment by Ralph Sanson on March 24, 2011 at 3:16am

Been in one with a 532 which is pretty much the same thing with a higher failure rate. I have also done plenty of hours behind the 503 in a smaller aircraft.


The 532 was adequate performance for the lightweight version 701 (960 lbs). I dont feel it would be enough for later builds (1100 lbs). The only 2 stroke that seems to cut it is the Siminonini and there is little encouragement about its reliability.


Following Steve's comments, in my younger days doing an overhaul or tuneup every other month didn't seem so bad. Even having my 503 disintegrate in flight didn't stop me buying a new one to get out flying again. This model is about the best they got. 582 comes in second. There is no third. (alright maybe the 447)


Nowdays I wouldn't want to go back that route. My starting point would be a VW conversion and up




Comment by nelson D on March 21, 2011 at 8:54pm


i had flown CH 701 with rotax 503,with another adult size passenger,now talking about the mighty 582 shouldn"t be any problem

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