So much Zenith related stuff going on in 2017 - 5


 FES (Festus) and the total distance to X50 (Massey Ranch)  was 840 statue miles.  Stopwatch has been started to document actual flight time.
Viking View showing typical numbers.  (Fuel PSI is 44, not 144) 
Indicted airspeed was between 125 and 130 mph the entire flight
100 miles into the flight.  
Perfect day for an accurate performance estimate.  Some headwind, some x-wind and a little tail wind at the end.  All below 5 kts 
First and only fuel stop was at West Georgia Regional airport.
Total flight time 3.5 hrs.  (7:30 am to 11 am)
West Georgia fueling
24 gallons in 3.5 hr equal 6.85 gallons / hr, producing 105 hp and 80 % power.  Distance covered = 405 miles for an average speed of 115 mph (Including climb and headwind for this portion of the flight)
Not a lot of money to travel half way home
Leaving West Georgia Regional
Leaving at 11:30 after exactly 30 minutes on the ground.  Another 405 miles to cover.  Tanks are full again and climbing out at 90 mph
Making good speed 
Total flight time second leg from West Georgia to Massey Ranch is 3 hours fifteen minutes, using 20 gallons of fuel (6.2 GPH) with an average speed of 125 mph.  
Not a bad flight.  Left at 7:30 am and landed at 3:45, loosing one hour to time change and another half hour for refueling.  Total flight time 6 hr 45 minutes, using 44 gallons / $150 of fuel.  

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Comment by Andy Graham on February 3, 2018 at 8:19pm

Wait! $3.09 a gallon? wow! we pay $5.50

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