Start Drilling Left Wing Skin to Ribs / IV Video Camera Stand

After two or three months of weekends of checking and adjusting, I am finally ready to start drilling the top wingskin to the ribs.

A couple of concerns I have is holes not appearing where I expect to them and also the ribs shifting while drilling. To help catch any problems early, I have setup a video camera that I can place under the skin to watch the rib and hole.

A short video below demontrates the video setup and the drilling of my first hole into the left wing skin.

I am also experimenting with new setup for shooting video to make it easier for me to document what I am doing and produce more videos. Quite often I come up with new ideas on how to do something or just come across something interesting, but it is too much trouble to setup the camera on the tripod, position it, etc.

I wanted something that I could setup and shoot a video in less than minute. For me, I do not like shooting video with a phone camera.

The setup is based off an IV stand. This is easy to roll around and position where I want it. I am also working on getting it setup with battery packs, chargers and a plug so I can leave charging when not in use. When I need it, I can just turn it on, position it and shoot my video. The camera I am using is less expensive and complex than my DSLR, so I do not mind leaving it in shop.

This is still a work in progress and there will be several changes until I get everything the way I want it. The battery is lashed to the IV stand using the mini-stretchwrap I mentioned in my previous post. It is not going anywhere.

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