The EA81 will fit and will balance in the 701 but it will fit the 750 much better. Mine has Stratus carburetor, alternator and intake with dual Bing carburetors just like the Rotax 912. The carburetors are very expensive and if I where doing it over again I would use a downdraft manifold and an Aerocarb like a WW Corvair. That configuration would be lighter, cheaper and easier to tune. Note the dual carburetor linkage. It works perfect and is as simple as it gets. The carburetor linkage is about the only thing in the plans that does not work worth a hoot. The redrive was built from RFI plans and has performed flawlessly for over fifty hours.

This plane was started seven years ago in Costa Rica. It first flew two years ago in Houston. John Bolding of Baytown Texas did the test flying. He says it’s a "hoot" to fly. The engine passed testing with flying colors. The problem was that John and I with our pot bellies did not leave much room for fuel. So I still have not even ridden in it. I have no license in the United States so it’s still sitting. I have finished all requirements except the check ride for my private pilot glider ticket. I will take the check ride in April and start on my LSA power transition the next day. With a little luck by May I will be in LSA transition training at Shoestring Aviation near York Pennsylvania. At last the dream will be completed.

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Comment by rontheman13 on February 2, 2009 at 1:44pm
I have started my Ch 750 build and I am considering a Ram Performance EA81. I am just wondering what experience people have with cowlings and cooling for this engine?
Comment by Dennis Myers on January 28, 2009 at 10:33pm
Thanks for the info on the EA81.I have just started my kit built 701 with amphib floats.I have a new NSI Soob with fuel injection and duel ing.Keep after that LSA rateing.Dennis

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