Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
As most of you know, American Light Sport Aircrafters have been holding a Tail Section Workshop which runs in conjunction with the Zenith Rudder Worksop each month here at our facility in Mexico, MO.
Each month I am asked if we have considered doing others so it became clear that there are literally hundreds of subjects concerning kit building that could be covered in a workshop atmosphere.
So, I am interested to hear from you about the type of workshops that you would like to see us host, knowing all well that we will not be able to do all, or even most of them. But, we will take a close look at each of the suggestions and consider them all.
If there is a subject that you wish someone would cover in a workshop just comment on this blog and let me know.
Don't be intimidated by what everyone else is doing, just let me know what you would like, airframe components like elevators,
wings, fuel system, fuselage.
Maybe you would like to see something like
engine rebuilding or installation,
electrical and panel planning, installation, or building.
What about something so simple as learning to read and understand the drawings or putting together your workshop with the proper tools and workbench?
Think of all the possibilities, prep and painting, gear and controls, or weight & balance. There are any number of possibilities and obviously we will not be able to do them all, but we may be able to do more than one at a time, so let me know what you think and lets see what happens.
As I said, there are no promises but we are interested in trying to put some other workshops together, so sign in and post. If you don't like to post publicly then just give me a call at 573-721-4400, or
email me
Thanks for all of your previous suggestions.
Hi Bill! Here's a few suggestions:
1) Definitely keep the horizontal tail workshop, it ties in nicely with the rudder workshop and is not too long and difficult to do. 2) Suggest you add a slat and/or flaperon workshop. some attendees might not be able to take the time to do both, so an offer of either or both would be appropriate. Again, the time is not too long and assembly is not too difficult. 3) A wings workshop would be great, but it would be more difficult to set up due to the longer time for assembly involved as well as transportation of the wings to the home base. But ALSA might be able to keep a list of those interested and the timing for each and an adequate number of people are interested and are available at the same time, maybe ALSA could notify them and try to set a workshop up. 4) There might be some people interested in just coming in to the ALSA shop and observe the construction of the component parts. Maybe ALSA could list a schedule on this blog of what is being worked on in the shop and when and a scedule fo future work for those interested in observing. This might spark more interest in more attendees at future workshops once they see how the various components are created. 4) Surface preparation and painting would be a personal interest, as would be engine installation. Electronics installation, while varied, would be another interest. 5) how about publishing a list of common "goofs" which come up among the various projects. there seems to be a pattern of repeats, for example, the flaperon contol horn mounting position due to the control rod hole re-location, which a lot of builders commit. Such a list would flag newer builders not to make the same mistakes. As ALSA gets more customers and grows, this database would grow with it.
Hope these suggestions are useful......Frank
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