Hello from Sun 'n Fun 2010! Who else is down here besides me?

Everyone at home can follow this year's activities on the internet. Sun 'N Fun Radio is being streamed live at:


as are Lakeland tower north, and Lakeland tower south.

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Comment by Jim Belcher on April 22, 2010 at 9:56am
I have to apologize for not getting back to this. Sun 'n Fun Radio got really busy, and I simply did not get another chance to log in. I did not get a chance to go to the 601 forum, as the person who normally volunteers in that time slot was unavailable, and I had to take their place. I love volunteering at Sun 'n Fun Radio, but it eats up a lot time!

That was particularly true this year, as it was the first year we streamed on the internet. It seemed like every time I thought I was free, something else had to be implemented, or needed to be fixed.

I also missed the dinner, as we had a memorial for three fellow volunteers to passed away last year at the same time.

I didn't see anything earthshattering, but some might disagree with me on this point. What I did see was a return to S&F of the 650, which was absent last year. I take it that Zenith has decided to continue marketing the aircraft, which I consider good news.

I spoke with William Wynne for a few minutes, and was very favorably impressed with his Convair conversion. If I decided to build another aircraft, I may consider that possibility.

I don't know if anyone is interested, but it was decided to keep the Sun 'n Fun Radio internet stream up year round. As I understand it, it will be a sort of "best of Sun 'n Fun" the rest of the year.
Comment by Roger Lambert on April 20, 2010 at 8:00am
How did the Forum on the 601 go?
Comment by Rodney Rix on April 14, 2010 at 8:41pm
Hi Jim I have been down here from Canada since Sunday with my wife enjoying the sun and I am really excited about heading to Sun 'N Fun for the first time tomorrow.
See you at supper tomorrow night....

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