We arrived early with trailers and tools only to find all the damaged aircraft had been removed from the booth.  Finally found them and began the recovery process.  We disassembled the CH750 and moved it to FlightCrafters in Zephyrhills, FL.  From there we will do a more extensive survey of the damage.  Sebastien, Roger, and Caleb are working up a plane to repair and replace.  I am sure they will be back in the air ASAP.


Sun n Fun (not wanting to miss any revenue) opened at 8:00 am to record crowds.  Unfortunately, many of the early visitor came to see the "train wreck".  The rest came to see the Blue Angels and the Raptor.  Traffic was backed up with a four hour wait!  If you are coming on Saturday, be prepared.


Russell Lepre'

Views: 117


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Comment by Jim Belcher on April 2, 2011 at 11:40am

I wish you guys every success in repairing the damage.


I get the impression that Sun 'n Fun has shifted from being a true non-profit event for aviation people to a defacto profit-making tourist event for the general public. It's a shame, but it looks like the general public would rather see damaged aircraft than pretty new aircraft with the potential for flight.

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