I am considering the Suzuki 1300 cc turbo auto engine for my XL.
Is there anyone who has experience with a similar installation and flying time behind this engine?

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Comment by Kevin McCune on January 24, 2010 at 6:25am
How did you airplane come in on empty weight? And do you have a ton of gear on the panel with rubber mat and carpet or is if standard Day VFR and spartan? I trying to get a handle on the weight of the FWF compared to the Rotax. Considering the Raven G10T and the SVS1300 at the moment.



Comment by John Funk on March 18, 2009 at 10:10pm
Is the 660 a two cycle engine? Is the Turbo a factory installation or is this an aftermarket installation?
What is your fuel burn? Did you make your own reduction drive? What is your gear ratio? What other modifcations were made to the engine?
Comment by AL SHIMPA on March 18, 2009 at 5:10pm
John, I just got my 701 flying and I used a 660 Suzuki turbo from a snowmobile and its seem to good great and the cost is a lot less. The motor I have is running 6200 rpm's and makes 108 hp and can be turned up if needed. Cruise is 5500 rpm's at 95 hp. The motor is not the lightest with a cooling system but makes up for it with how it runs. I don't how a 1300 will work in a XL but I like my Suzuki in the 701. I have pictures of the motor on my page. Al Shimpa

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