Take a lot of pictures while you are working on your Zodiac mod.

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Comment by Jake Reyna on July 9, 2010 at 6:16pm
I think it depends on the DAR and if you are registering as Experimental or ELSA. I built from a kit, registered as Experimental and the DAR treated me like the Manufacturer. He could see that I had done the Upgrade but spent very little time inspecting my work, he did look at the drawings.

Guidance from the EAA is that your airplane should be ready to fly, that's not true. It can be close, the DAR will inspect and issue a Discrepancy List. Now you can focus on what really needs to be done and worry about the insignificant stuff later. As the Manufacturer of an Experimental, are you really ever done?

I got the same story from a RV-8 builder, he had spent less than a year building and when it came time for the Inspection, the DAR didn't even look at his airplane, just did the paperwork and issued his Airworthiness. It's a different world in Experimental, it just has to look like it is airworthy ;-)

That being said, taking pictures is always a good idea.
Comment by Greg Browning on July 8, 2010 at 9:00pm
Why do you suggest that?? I can probably guess the answer to that queston..If its like the response i got from my DAR, its to prove that you have done ALL the mod and they can sign off without gettin in the ringer if something gos wrong.. Just my thoughts, Greg.....PS Glad to see someone is helpin get the fleet upgraded. Looks good to me...

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