Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Zenith Aircraft Building Workshop Is Coming To Hondo, Texas on February
Zenith Aircraft Company is taking its popular hands-on workshops on the road again, this time to the state of Texas, to the South Texas Regional Airport (KHDO) in Hondo, about 45 miles west of San Antonio. The two-day workshop will now be held February 25 & 26, 2021, with an informal regional Zenith fly-in on Saturday.
The workshop will now start on Thursday morning, February 25, inside a main hangar (with plenty of open space for adequate social distancing) located at the Hondo airport.
Zenith Aircraft’s hands-on workshops are primarily for first-time kit airplane builders and have become popular with sport aviation enthusiasts who are considering to build their own aircraft and are unsure if they have the required skills, workspace and tools. During the workshop each participant builds and assembles their own Zenith aircraft rudder tail section from a standard Zenith kit. The two-day workshop concludes once participants have successfully completed assembly of their own rudder tail section of the aircraft.
In the process of building the rudder assembly, participants tackle many activities including learning how to read drawings (blueprints) and work with assembly instructions (manuals) under the expert guidance of factory staff. They learn the procedures for putting together an aircraft assembly, including drilling and blind riveting. In the end, they have an assembled rudder that is ready to install on a Zenith kit airplane.
“The rest of the kit is constructed the same way as the rudder, using the same tools,” said Heintz. “Participants get far more out of the workshop than just a finished aircraft rudder: they go home with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to build their own airplane. Most importantly, they learn that kit building is enjoyable and something that can engage the whole family. Many of our prospective builders bring their spouses or other family member, who often encourage them to move forward with the rest of the kit. With modern technology, such as final hole size CNC match drilled parts, and good instructions, aircraft construction has become much easier than most people think.”
The hands-on workshop is an excellent way to learn about building your own (amateur-built) kit airplane and about the many advantages of owning and flying an airplane that you’ve built yourself. Kit aircraft is a segment of general aviation that is growing (while much of general aviation activities continue to decline year over year). For many, building an aircraft is a very rewarding experience, and today’s modern kits make it easier and quicker to build than even before.
Standard workshop fees are $375.00 (or $425 for the CH 750 Super Duty model) and include the complete rudder kit for a Zenith aircraft. Additional helpers are encouraged to attend and can participate for free. To learn more about the workshop program, visit or call Zenith Aircraft directly: (573) 581-9000 (Mon – Fri, 8 – 5 Central). Space is limited, and prior registration is required for the rudder workshop. Click here to register for the February workshop in Texas. Zenith Aircraft's Sebastien Heintz and Roger Dubbert plan to attend the workshop.
An informal Zenith regional fly-in will kick off on Friday, February 26, at the Hondo airport. All Zenith aircraft owners, flyers and enthusiasts are invited to fly (or drive) in for the day: “We have a large and active community of Zenith aircraft builders and pilots spread throughout Texas,” said Heintz, “and we look forward to seeing many of them and their flying Zenith projects.”
Bill Fahey, a Zenith aircraft builder who is currently completing his CH 750 Cruzer, is the local host for the event. He states: "The City of Hondo is well equipped with amenities as far as AirBnBs, hotels, and restaurants. It is about an hour drive west of San Antonio (which is the closest commercial airport). They have a great BBQ joint called Heavy's that we won't want to miss.” Contact Bill at 210-632-4708 for details about the workshop location.
Zenith builders, pilots and enthusiasts are invited to attend and visit the workshop and the Zenith Fly-In. See you there!!
Let's go flying! Zenith Aircraft's Sebastien Heintz and Roger Dubbert discuss the upcoming trip to Hondo, Texas, for the Zenith hands-on workshop on February 25 & 26, 2021.
UPDATE: The Workshop Class is now FULL. All Zenith builders, flyers and enthusiasts are invited to come by for the informal regional Zenith fly-in on Saturday, February 20 at the Hondo airport.
Hondo's South Texas Regional Airport (KHDO).
A19 (north-east corner, top right on map) is the large hangar where we will hold the workshop / fly-in gathering.
Other areas of interest: A15 is the GA terminal. A16 is the home of Texas Aircraft, maker of the Colt light sport aircraft.
Map of Hondo. Airport is on the west side of town.
Hondo is a small Texas town with the moto “This is God’s country, don’t drive through it like hell.”
2/17/21: With the rescheduled event we have reached out to the Hondo Best Western to update the block of rooms to the new workshop dates: Thursday, Feb 25 and Friday, Feb 26. If you have current reservations please make sure they are updated to the new dates.
Workshop participants and visitors:
Our local host Bill Fahey has booked a block of rooms at the nearby Hondo Best Western. Mention "Zenith Rudder Workshop" to get the group rate of $90.95 including tax. Hotel has free WiFi, free breakfast, bbq grills, pool (outside), pets are allowed for an additional fee. It is located about 4 miles from the airport. (If flying in to the Hondo airport, we can coordinate rides to and from the hotel.)
Christopher Fryatt:
It would be great to have you fly in to Hondo with your 601XL! We hear there will plenty of space available for airplane parking and it would be fantastic to have a good representation of Zeniths there.
Bill Fahey is the local host and he can answer any questions about flying in: 210-632-4708
i might make the 12 mile flight with my O-200D powered ch-601xl
Classified listing for buying or selling your Zenith building or flying related stuff...
Custom Instrument Panels
for your Zenith:
Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.
Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
Transition training:
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
How to videos from
Developed specifically for Zenith builders (by a builder) these videos on DVD are a great help in building your own kit plane by providing practical hands-on construction information. Visit for the latest DVD titles.
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