I need to trim my canopy to fit a Zodiac XLB. Does anyone have any advice that they can share in respect to the best tool to cut the canopy and how to approach the job.  Should I start trimming from the rear or front of the canopy and how do I determine my datum point on the canopy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Ray White


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Comment by Paul Hammond on December 17, 2011 at 3:08pm

have fun ray I hated every minute fitting that thing I recomend you do it in hot weather I did mine in winter the second one I did was in spring drilling the 5/16 holes run the drill backwards almost melts its way through .bend the hoops perfect before you drill any holes in them if you drill a hole and try to bend it it will crack 

Comment by David Gallagher on December 14, 2011 at 11:01am



It has been a while now, but I remember pretty much following the assembly guide on making the frame, but it seemed a little short on advice for trimming the canopy itself.  I draw a longitudinal centerline down the canopy middle and matched it up with corresponding marks on the fuselage.  As far as height and fore-to-aft positioning, I would move it a bit, stare for a while, move it again and stare again.  I did this numerous times trimming the front and rear ends a bit at a time until I was satisifed with a rough fit. I drilled a few holes, just at the very top of the canopy and frames to cleco the canopy in place for the final fitting process.   I used a dremel tool with an abrasive cut-off disk for all trimming.  I would lay down some tape, make my cut mark on the tape, and then make the cut through the tape and canopy. For the rear canopy fit, I recall shimming the side frames open a bit when I was making my rough cuts so I would not cut beyond the point of no return.  Then I gradually closed the frame, making small duts at a time until it was about perfect. I saved trimming the sides until last as they just hang there, not in anybodys way anyhow until the end.  Wear a filter mask since the plexi-dust flies everywhere.  For drilling, I used a regular 1/16 bit for a pilot hole and step drill the canopy to size.  I never cracked any holes during drilling.  I did make one small crack in the canopy when tightening down the retaining screws.  I did not put the metal flashing on the front as per the plans.  I used rubber trim on both front and back only.


Good luck,





Comment by roy ensminger on December 14, 2011 at 10:36am

where do u live?  we're hosting a canopy installation demo 1/14 at our chapter hangar in deland, fl.


roy eaa 635

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