Hi folks, I want to replace my engine from Jabiru 2200 to UL260i. Can some one point me to the right direction where to buy one and the cost please.


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Comment by Shafid Khan on January 6, 2013 at 1:07pm

Hi Ralph

Thank you for your comments and more info on motors. My Jab2200 is getting towards 400 hrs and yes, I am start to use some oil. I was thinking of getting some costs of 4 cyclinder heads, 4 liners and pistons and rings. This should tidy up the motor for another 400 hrs. 

The other option is to check out Honda Viking ??? @ around $18000 nzd ??? I was told the UL motor does not produce the HP it says. I haven't heard of Siminonini motor. JRT's motors goes very well. 


Comment by Ralph Sanson on January 2, 2013 at 5:01pm

Hi again,

good pictures of your flying.  I wonder how the engine is working out, and did you get anywhere with a better type?

Although the Ul260 was to be offered with carb, I have not seen any delivery or price for this. Also the d-motor


is looking interesting.

I expect the value of Euro is too much nowadays.

My 2200 is "running out" at 400 hrs  with minor oil blowby so I expect to have to top overhaul one day - if the newer J2200 engines had turned out without constant troubles I would consider one. Starting to wonder if a good VW 2180cc direct drive would be a suitable option?

Do you know of the 701 with the Siminonini engine that was at Rangiora? i would like to know how it operated and if it still runs that engine. the only other 701 i have been in with 2- stroke was JRT and it was quite good. Also considering a hirth 3702 but they are costing as much as a Jabiru....


Comment by Eric V Woods on May 25, 2012 at 10:19am

Are you selling the 2200?

Comment by Ralph Sanson on January 28, 2012 at 4:12pm

OK Shafid,

The only other motor than 912 or Ul260 that I considered might be better than Jabiru is the Verner. I don't know much about these as they are not common in NZ. Unless you are open to 2 stroke where there is a selection of engines, 582 or hirth f-30 or Siminonini (one in a 701 at Rangiora but I don't know if its still there)

As for your 80 hp question, mine also seemed down in power, when purchased new in 2004 #1680 it was one of the 80 hp but soon to be revised 85hp engines, however it would only turn the Jabiru wood prop 2800 rpm static and 3050 rpm level flight. When that propellor had to be replaced the 64x30 by Brent Thompson was fitted and the static rpm became 3010 and level flight 3350.

I was pleased with this result because I thought the prop was the reason the engine did not give 80 hp. Wrong.

Later I discovered the SB about the faulty cylinder base nuts Jabiru fitted to all engines up to about 2010.

I voluntarily carried out this fairly easy modification and my static rpm is now 3200 and level flight 3540. This measured with digital tach for accuracy. It is clear from this result that the original prop load was probably OK but the engine was down in power because of the piston to cylinder friction caused by the fault in the cylinder bases which Jabiru now have corrected.

As for you concerns with replacing flywheel bolts every 25 hrs! A long time ago, before the AD and SBs were issued, RAANZ members had been working on this problem. The approach taken has, as far as i know, not resulted in a single subsequent bolt loosening or failure on any engine. 

On the other hand, those engines with the dowels modification, the new starfish adaptor plate, including one maintained certified as required for CAA commercial operations, have failed.

The original RAANZ article is viewable here.


there are some more technial data here (you might need to join the group)


also the most recent update by our Dargaville club member Greg (may also need to join this site)


I know if you are having problems it is time to check what better options you may have for the engine, but my feeling is if you have an engine serial between 710 and 1706, you probably have the best possible engine from Jabiru at this time, there are only minor modifications that are required. The CH701 is only just fast enough on climbout to meet the cylinder air pressure drop requirements for cooling, so I usually takeoff with flap down for a better climb rate and lower nose attitude with better cooling. I increased the cowl exit with a shroud to ensure enough cooling, as early on cyls 2 and 3 have internally warped slightly although this is not visible on the external fins and the head bolts and valves never needed much adjustment. CHT was never over 350 F and normally runs below 300 F

I hope this info helps, it really depends which serial no. your engine is because some of these later SB are rather open-ended in terms of what it may cost to "upgrade" and at the end of it all I'm not convinced of any improvement.

If you don't get above 3200 rpm on climbout in a 701 then either the engine is down or the prop is not suitable.


Comment by Shafid Khan on January 27, 2012 at 10:05pm

Thanks Ralph. I shall find out more about the carby model if available. My jabiru is one of the earlier one and I don't think I am getting 80hp out of it. And I am never ending changing  flywheel bolts, every 25 hrs so I thought of getting more info to change the motor. Apart from Rotex, are there any other good motors for 701 ?



Comment by Ralph Sanson on January 27, 2012 at 2:31pm

Hi Shafid - you might also like to ask if the carburettor version is available. It would shave about $4,000 off the cost.

Let us know how you get on, and what the reasons for the change might be. I'm allways looking for a replacement when my 2200 becomes uneconomic to keep.



Comment by Gary Eady on January 26, 2012 at 5:42pm

Hi Shafid - the New Zealand agents are Aerosport Aviation in Hamilton. Their website is www.aerosport.co.nz

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