Hi Everyone!

Its been two weeks since we brought home the massive crate with all the parts we'd need to build up to the firewall forward portion of our plane.  As we set up the shop to build we found the crate could be a giant crafting table for construction  with the addition of a few sets of wheels and structural supports.  So, after inventorying all the parts we turned it into a very mobile work surface.

I have to say I felt a little intimidated as I saw all the parts in the boxes (great job Shipping team!) and the detailed effort ahead.  Its interesting that the big stuff (plans, shop space, general tooling) has been the easy part.  The harder part has been all the small questions - how best to deburr all the pieces? Do we need to remove all of the sticker or just the paper? How do we store the parts? By general part category (all F items together) or by phase of the project (lets be clear, we won't need tires for a while)?  Then the very delicate aluminum skins lining the bottom of the crate gave us the idea that we should inventory and store them there after we turned it into a crafting table.  

We decided to start on the fuselage.  Great news here is that many of the parts noted in instructions as requiring drilling (pilot then expansion) came pre-drilled! That is awesome Zenith, thank you!  However, the parts aren't listed at the start of a set of instructions - so we have found the best way to start an area is go through all the instructions, find the part numbers, then dig through our inventories, find those parts, lay them out, then start on the instructions.  Otherwise it can be frustrating. 

The HomeBuiltHelp.com videos for the CH750 are awesome (good news is that he talks slow enough that you don't have to stop the video to find a part or tool - gives you plenty of time to get it!)  

We are posting our progress on our Instagram account #JeffAndAdamBuildAZenith if you would like to follow our progress through our videos.   

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