First I want to start by saying some stuff was missing. One set of seats and wing root fairings. I made my seats and the wing root fairings will be Carbon Fiber, maybe 10 pounds total. From the beginning I concentrated on building light. No wheel pants. Jabiru 3300 with a custom FWF. Grove gear. Wood propeller.

Second, I had Arnie the A&P at U76 use his certified scales.

Empty weight: 686 pounds
Left wheel: 231 pounds
Right wheel: 219 pounds
Nose wheel: 236 pounds

When Arnie told me the Empty Weight, I said, No Way!!

Once I get done adding the other seat and wing root fairings, I expect to be right at 700 pounds :-)

That's my story. I'll post some pictures tonight.

Live long and prosper!

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Comment by Mack P. Kreizenbeck on April 22, 2010 at 8:36pm
Congrats Jake!
Pix look great -- got the Studebaker look!
Side note: For you youngsters, a Studebaker (aka Baker) was an automobile that was way ahead of its time in design, technology and amenities.
Jakes cowling, with prop spinner, has the look of the Bakers built in the 1950s.
With that weight I think that you forgot something -- maybe the spar????
On your way back from Oregon, don't forget to drop off the rivet punch.
Comment by Mike Armstead on April 22, 2010 at 6:54pm
All my skins are .025 except the control surfaces. If the bottom and sides are .016 that would save about 6.5 lbs. Here are my wheel weights with the complete Jabiru firewall foward.
Also while at Sun-In-Fun I noticed that Zenith is using Whirlwind props on the Jabiru now. I'm not sure it it is lighter or heavier
Comment by Louis W. Ott on April 22, 2010 at 2:00pm
I don't have any 0.016" skin on the fuselage. It's all 0.025 according to the drawings. The SQBK is 3 years old. The factory cleverly reduced the added weight of the fuselage skins by drilling the wing rivet holes oversize. Heh, heh. Joke.
Comment by Jake Reyna on April 22, 2010 at 6:12am
Louie, my side and bottom skins are .016, just like the Factory demo, I think. Didn't realize that it had changed to .025. I was thinking of adding the rear L angles, but was going to wait until after W&B. Doug Moellering brought it to my attention and I would have added regardless of the additional weight, but weight isn't an issue.

I did add additional stiffeners, false bottom rear ribs to the wings, but that was only 1 pound.
Comment by Louis W. Ott on April 21, 2010 at 11:03pm
Congrats Jake. Did I read somewhere that your fuselage skin was 0.016". That probably saves a few lbs. Nice useful load.
Comment by Jerold Ebke on April 21, 2010 at 9:59pm
Sounds like your attention to detail really has paid off for you. Great job in putting together a light strong plane. Jerry
Comment by Jake Reyna on April 21, 2010 at 9:30pm
Mike, that sounds reasonable. The prop is 6+ pounds, wheelpants 10+? I just have seats and will be adding some minimal side panels. I will probably hit 710 pounds.

I was hoping for 750 pounds with the Upgrade.

Steve, I think part of the additional weight is the QBK. Louie Ott shared some numbers that might help with the accounting.

I was very careful while building, rounding corners, chamfering edges, corrosion protection was only mating surfaces. My attitude was that every grain of aluminum I removed would add up. I have a spartan interior. Better to build light and only install what is necessary, but this is builder specific. As Manufacturers, we determine the Minimum Equipment List.

One thing that stuck with me is that all airplanes gain weight, mine wouldn't be any different. The final piece is the FWF, I think mine is lighter, but I don't have any stock Jabiru nosewheel weights.
Comment by Mike Armstead on April 21, 2010 at 8:56pm
I was 732 before the upgrade. Jab 3300, Sensenich composite, Dynon 180, wheelpants, single stick, interior kit, no paint.

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