We are waitng for our CH750 kit to arrive and are planning to buy the videos as we go to help assist in the build. We already went to the rudder workshop in Cloverdale and came home with our rudder completed. It was fantastic! Thank you Doug and Lori! Our question is, which video should we buy first, and where do we begin in our build? We are wanting to buy the videos as we go rather than all at once. We are not sure which part we start on first. Any advice  out there? Thanks!  Dave (Rocky)

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Comment by Andre Levesque on December 5, 2011 at 4:05pm

Hi dave,

Always make sure you check the plans. The videos are good to give you an idea and visual of the parts but the plans always rule. I originally started by watching the video for the rudder, than looked at the plans....made a mental image of what goes where...measured twice then cut once...-:) 

I now continue building just with plans as opposed to the kit and it's quite easy if you take your time and enjoy the build. It's a slower process but I'm learning quite a bit. I'm working on the gaz tanks right now. 

Have fun building.  

Comment by Dave (Rocky) M Brown on December 3, 2011 at 2:18pm
thank you both Frank and Bob for answering our question! You guys are awsome! And now we know where to start! Thanks again! Dave and Patsy
Comment by Bob McDonald on December 3, 2011 at 5:54am
Build rudder, horizontal stabilizer, elevator, wings, firewall, rear fuselage, front fuselage,,,join the two, assemble whole airframe. CH750 built in 600 hrs . Each part builds on skills needed for next.
Comment by Frank A Pisz on December 2, 2011 at 11:30pm
Hi Dave, Recomend you build the components in order of increasing complexity, thus I would order the flaps/slats video followed by the stab/elevator video, then the wing videos, then fuselage. Good luck with your project! I'm enjoying mine immensly.

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