Ron Saarinen (that I bought my plane from) has looked at a 601 XL and told me that I'd have to modify the firewall and instrument panel to fit an XL canopy kit to a HDS. I've ordered a front opening canopy kit for the HDS from Sport Air

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Comment by Phill Barnes on March 12, 2009 at 1:15am
I do not know why Ron has said this to you because as I showed him it is an easy mod and Caleb has clearly backed this up, and yes you will need 2 new upper engine mounts unless you wish to make them. Did you study the drawings that I navigated you to on the web? Caleb is obviously the man to listen to not myself or Ron. So the choice is yours Greg. I've helped as much as I can and I thankyou for your response advising that you do not require my canopy kit.

Phill Barnes
Comment by Greg Wilson on March 12, 2009 at 12:47am

No I won't, thanks. Ron advised me that the XL kit wouldn't fit the HDS. Zenair have promised to sell me a canopy kit that will fit the HDS so I've ordered it and will pay air freight to get it here when it's ready.

I'm getting different stories about what front opening canopy parts will and won't fit my aircraft and dealing with Zenair in the U.S via the gold Coast office is very frustrating. I have asked them if I need new upper motor mount brackets as well and am yet to get a response.


Comment by Phill Barnes on March 12, 2009 at 12:36am
Hi Greg
I take it that this means you will not be purchasing my 601xl canopy kit. Please confirm this so that I can offer it for sale to other people when my 650 canopy kit FINALLY arrives

Phill Barnes
Comment by Rich Whittington on March 5, 2009 at 8:50pm
As Caleb said you need to modify the instrument panel sightly to allow for the canapy frame and I beleive you need different upper motor mount brackets that include the canopy hinges. it will work, I have the XL canopy on my HDS.
Comment by Caleb Gebhardt on March 4, 2009 at 1:17pm
Hi Ron,
You will have to modify the instrument panel to fit the XL canopy to the HDS but the firewall is identical for both aircraft. You will have to cut about an inch from each side of the instrument panel to make room for the canopy frames. Its a pretty easy conversion, if you have any questions about it just send me an email.

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