Download the full issue of the Newsletter (12 pages): ZenairNews190.pdf (May - June 2012)

It is Time for a little Rest!
By Jon Croke, newsletter editor and publisher (Reprinted from Zenair News #190)

It is time for a big announcement! This will be my last issue for the Zenair Newsletter for now. While this issue is the last one for the current subscription period, it also makes it a good point to end my tenure as publisher for the time being. It has been a great four years. (It is no mistake that you will not find a subscription renewal form – this is the last issue!) 

I will be spending more time in my principle capacity as head of HomebuitHELP, creating how-to videos for the experimental aircraft arena. I will continue to be an active participant with the Zenith community of builders and pilots, creating videos to document Zenith aircraft products and follow Zenith events (such as fly-ins and AirVenture at Oshkosh, for example). Filming Zenith builder interviews on video over the last several years for the Zenair Newsletter provided some of the most valuable material for all of us – allowing us to learn from other talented builders and pilots. I hope to continue providing this service in a more or less freelance style by creating DVDs that continue to share the Zenith experience. (I can make these available as events dictate rather than on a subscription based plan.) 

The valuable content published during the last four years of this newsletter is the result of our wonderful contributors and authors, too many to name individually here. What made the newsletter great was when readers submitted an article from which we all benefited in some way. Conversely, when the newsletter was a bit short of good material, the cause could be traced to not having assembled enough wisdom in print from the readership (that was my job to do that!). Since most of us hold on to our Newsletters as a resource, be sure to thank the authors of those articles that you find most useful when you read them in the future (most articles have an email address contact for the writer).

While it may seem that the end of a newsletter may create a void, in this case it is really an opportunity for transition. Content relating to Zenith aircraft building and piloting can be found at the website. Many readers are already familiar with this website on the internet, and I know that there are a good number of you that have not yet taken advantage of this resource. The fact is that so much of what the newsletter has offered in the way of Zenith stories and technical articles is already in place at that website – and so much more. If one takes the time to check this out, they will not be disappointed with the photos, videos, and technical writings that are plentiful here. Some of the special content requires a valid user name and password, but you can obtain these from the site by request. The vast majority of the website is open for all to read with no user name required.

For those newsletter subscribers that have subscribed in just the recent years, please be aware that back issues of the last four years of the newsletter (with a DVD each issue) are available for purchase. This is a great way to catch up on all of the material, both written and video to fill in your newsletter collection. Prior to the last four years (before I was publisher) we have the newsletters from their inception (starting from the 1970’s!) available on a scanned CD disk for viewing on your computer. You can write or email me for more info on these.

I can be reached via email at and my updated address is P.O. Box 111, Brussels, WI 54204. Email is the best way to reach me, and I will be an active participant on to keep up with the latest in  everything “Zenith”. It has been a pleasure and an honor working to produce these issues of the Zenair Newsletter. I am still here and active flying my CH701!

From Page Eight: "From the President's Desk" by Sebastien Heintz (Zenair News #190)

While we’re sad that this the last issue of the Zenair Newsletter (as we know it), this is only the end of the print edition of the bimonthly newsletter. We’re excited about newer, more modern and efficient ways of communicating with the ever-growing number of Zenith builders around the country and around the world. Let’s face it: printed newsletters, sent by mail, are obsolete (though I admit that I still print many online newsletters and publications for “offline” reading). A major element of the newsletter has been builder/pilot submitted material. This will continue with the Zenith.Aero website, which makes it easy for members to share photos, videos and other news online with more than 3,000 fellow Zenith builders and flyers. If you’re not already a member, make sure to join this free resource available exclusively to Zenith builders, owners and pilots. If you are a member I urge you to contribute content by sharing your building and flying experiences, and by participating in the online discussions. 

Along with the rest of the industry (such as EAA and fellow kit manufacturers) Zenith Aircraft Company and Zenair Ltd. will be reaching out to the “Experimental - Amateur Built” aviation community with outreach initiatives to improve safety. We all share the love of an amazing hobby: building and flying our own light airplanes. We have great freedom in the pursuit of this hobby (at least in the U.S and Canada), but with freedom we also have the responsibility to be safe with our activities. The easiest way to increase safety is by increasing our own education and training: Improved education and training in building, maintaining and flying our light airplanes so that we may better enjoy our hobby of building and flying our aircraft. We look forward to working with Zenith owners on this initiative (as well as with the rest of the industry), and invite you to get involved, whether by making the effort to obtain additional training, or by sharing with others some of your skills and experience (after all, the teacher often learns more than the student!)

For technical updates about building your Zenith, remember to use the online resources for builders, owners
and pilots on the Zenith Aircraft website and don’t forget to join us for Zenith Aircraft Company’s 20th anniversary
celebrations (and workshops and seminars) at our annual Open Hangar Day and Fly-In (September 21 & 22)

Finally, I thank Jon Croke wholeheartedly for his work these last four years editing and producing a quality newsletter and accompanying DVD video. His love of aircraft building and flying is apparent is all his work, helping many of us to be better builders and pilots. We look forward to continuing our relationship with Jon through his DVDs.

Please let me know if you have suggestions on how we can help foster improved communication and community
with Zenith builders and owners, with the ultimate goal of increasing our positive experience with our great hobby.

Thank you for your continued support!
Sebastien Heintz, president Zenith Aircraft Company
email: tel. 573-581-9000

Views: 393


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Comment by Mark Maltais on July 11, 2012 at 6:38pm

Agreed, I always looked forward to the newsletter and especially the DVD.  It will be missed!

Comment by Jerry Latimer on July 10, 2012 at 2:16pm


Thanks for publishing the newsletter for the past 4 years.  I will miss it and the DVD.

Jerry Latimer

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