Zenith aircraft custom guitar to be auctioned at AirVenture

Here's a chance to own a piece of history! 

As part of the Zeniths to Oshkosh activities, this handcrafted custom guitar is being auctioned to support the EAA Young Eagles program:  

Sneak peek: Above, the custom Zenith aircraft guitar under construction before paint (front of guitar body)

We're told that this guitar will be on display at the Zenith Aircraft booth during AirVenture (and that it may even be played a in a concert or two at AirVenture), and is to be autographed by Chris Heintz at the honorary banquet.

Rick Land of Landric Custom Guitars along with Jason LeCavalier of Artistimo Custom Designs have teamed up with marketing director Geoff Downey to create the one-of-a-kind Zenith Aircraft guitar that will be auctioned off to benefit the EAA Young Eagles Program.  The bidding process for this guitar is now on-line through EAA AirVenture's Gathering of Eagles website (item #11).

The Zenith Aircraft guitar is a one-of-a-kind handcrafted custom finished guitar.  Several Zenith planes have been selected and fill the front and back of the guitar body.  The Zenith Aircraft and EAA AirVenture 2011 logos have also been painted onto the body.  All this artwork has been airbrushed and painted on by the talented artist Jason LeCavalier.  The guitar itself has been built and set up for play by custom guitar builder Rick Land.  This guitar plays as well as it looks!

Rick Land from Landric Custom Guitars, LLC. of Grafton, Wisconsin, specializes in solid-body custom electric guitars.  Landric guitars have been shipped world-wide for both the weekend guitar hero and the on-stage professional. Jason LeCavalier of Artistimo Custom Designs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is the master painter/artist behind Landric Custom Guitars and also specializes in high-end custom motorcycle finishes.
It looks like there's already an early bid in (for $1,500!)  Here's your change to get a great one-of-a-kind custom guitar (of your favorite planes) while supporting a great cause!
Follow the auction here! The online auction closes August 1, but get your bid in early so we can have fun following this auction.
Below, the custom Zenith aircraft guitar under construction, before paint (back of guitar):

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