Hi, I recently replaced my bungee cord system with the new Oleo Strut. I like it but.... flying it for the first time today, the airplane did not fly well. The ball did not stay in the center. I had to give it constant left rudder. The plane was skidding to the left. (felt like it was out of rigging) I will adjust the rudder pedal cables. Has anyone experienced this? Any solution? Thanks in advance. N602ZA Robert

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Comment by David Krakowsky on August 25, 2019 at 10:42pm

Glad it worked out for you.

i have the Viking spring on my 601XLB and couldn’t be happier 


Comment by Robert Schneck on August 25, 2019 at 10:34pm
Thank you for your info. You were right, after installing the strut, I forgot to adjusted the nose wheel and the rudder. I adjusted the turn buckles. I was not happy with the fit of the rods, on the nose strut, to the block. I worked on compressing the donuts and compressing the donuts, to lower the nose gear rods firmly on the block. Although I got it on the block, it was about a 1/4" off the center of the block. (Not as firm as I would like, with the nose wheel off the ground) I will fly it and maybe after a couple of landings it may be ok. I spoke to Roger, he felt the rods on the strut, needed to be firm, on the block, or the nose wheel might turn in flight, he suggested a new block. 
I really like the new oleo strut nose gear. It is better than the bungee cord system and adjustable. Details to follow on my Zodiac 601xl with a Continental 0-200 engine.
Thanks again 
Comment by David Krakowsky on August 23, 2019 at 9:04am
Hi robert
The most obvious solution to me sounds like you don’t have your nose wheel pointed straight
If it’s skewed at an angle in flight it would exhibit the symptoms to describe
There are threaded adjustment on the tie rods to get the nose wheel straight
If it’s the Zenith unit, give them a call to get more info

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