Hello,<br /> I am preparing the arrival of the CH701 kit. and I'm looking to estimate the weight of a CH701 equipped with a continental O-200


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Comment by Alain GUILLEMETTE on February 11, 2020 at 7:59am

yes it is my fear.
thanks for the advice

Comment by John Schaper on February 8, 2020 at 9:17pm
I have a 701 with a Viking 115 hp engine and it empty weight is 280 kg. 614lbs.
Comment by Alain GUILLEMETTE on February 5, 2020 at 9:58am

thank you very much for your analysis
with French regulations, you must have a CH710 with an empty weight of less than 315 kg. Explain my question.

Comment by Jan Eggenfellner on February 5, 2020 at 7:51am
An O200 is going to be pretty heavy for a 701. For example. Jon Croke swapped out his O200 for a Viking 130 and it has a similar installation weight and this is on a 750. Our 130 on a 701 has to have lead in the tail because it would be nose heavy. Just speaking as to what we know in real world experience. I think more viable options are Viking 90, Rotax and I believe Jabiru is lighter as well. -Alissa

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