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Experimental Aircraft designers specify guidelines for the size of the aircraft engines to be used. What happens if you use a larger (more HP) engine than is normally used? What effect does this have on flight characteristics? In this video, we show how 3 builders of the same homebuilt aircraft ( Zenith CH701) have installed larger engines and examine the results of their choice. (ULPower, Aeromomentum, Viking Aircraft).
More about engines for the STOL CH 701:
Great Video - BUT there are more factors than just HP.... Pulse power, stress on firewall bolt points .... torque.... fuel burn... engine mount strength.... load on the nose gear... W&B.... etc.... Weight is a big factor, as mentioned, but I do believe that some of those airframes were considerably modified (gauge increases, etc) as part of the Experimental builders flexibility in moving to higher horses.... One area to watch is the tail feathers - because they are going to get a lot more propwash over them! In some countries, there will not be authorisations to increase beyond the suggested HP (or maybe + 10 to 15%) .... In some places, the extra power is essential - but there is so much to take into account - and without understanding it and embracing it more power may mean more headaches! Oh, and remember the VNE won't suddenly move up - so watch the risks of stress during straight and level at higher speeds.... surprises happen! Think twice, and if you go the route.... having operated the 701 in Africa at 40C (104F) and over rain forest, with the 80 and 100hp engines, we never found they lacked performance for the missions we needed.... Our next 701 is going to be with the Direct Drive 107Hp UL260iS, and we will be working on the prop setup to get the most out of the engine... No it won't be the same as a geared engine, but it will still perform and do what it says on the tin! Enjoy!
Zenith builders and owners: What's your experience using alternative engines? The GOOD, the BAD?
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A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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