A ride in gusty 15kt head winds on a bumpy day.

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Comment by Randy Jensen on December 9, 2012 at 9:27am

hi john   i tied to email to address you sent but it's not going through . so i'll try this way . could i visit tomorrow mon.10 . icould be there at any time       randy jensen

Comment by John Marzulli on December 5, 2012 at 3:07pm

Randy, of course you can come down for a project visit! Down here at AWO we also have an A&P who is a real Rotax guru who may be able to help (not sure what the cross-border regs are for A&Ps...).

Shoot me an email at john.marzulli@hotmail.com and we can work something out.

Comment by Randy Jensen on December 5, 2012 at 2:44pm

this is overdue . thanks for vids . i live in chilliwack just north of the boarder , and enjoy seeing the country from the air (iam not a pilot yet) and the weather you encounter . replayed nose wheel going over large stone on gravel bar , impressive . iam at firewall forward on my 701 and the cowelling is still a gray area of mystery to me . would it be possible for me to have a look at yours. iam retired and able to travell to your area most any time . thanks for posting

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