Not too bad for a Maine boy who hasn't flown a nose gear for 30 years.....everything was in the green and the plane flew well. Have a small oil leak, and have to adjust trim tab. Feels great!

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 356


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Comment by Wayne Clagg on May 1, 2010 at 8:24pm
Hey Terry, enjoyed the video. Whats up with the oil leak? I saw where you had the seal weld to the pulley. I am concerned about it spinning and wearing the case? I had trouble with mine leaking and it was a loose fit in the case but I had no trouble with it welding to the pulley. I fixed mine with silicone and it has been fine but there was one guy in Indiana who had a problem like yours that resulted from in a forced landing. The engine locked up from lack of oil. Some of those seals fit the pulley to tight, I had one but realized it wasn't going to work and got another brand that fit the pulley better. I wonder if this is not a trend we will be seeing. If you need, I think I can find the brand and number of the seal i am using.
As for the trim tab, I doubt that adjusting it will make much difference. It didn't help mine. I planned on moving the leading edge of the stabilizer down and called the factory. They told me to bend the trailing edge of the elevator down. I took a 2x4 and sawed a slot in it and put it over the edge and tweaked it. Problem solved.
Comment by Zenith.Aero on April 26, 2010 at 8:44am
Comment by Jerry Latimer on April 24, 2010 at 7:42pm
Congratulations!!! Nice landing.

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