I met a somewhat local pair of guys who are interested in a 750. They wanted me to fly up to their property to try out their 800' strip. I drove up last week and looked it over, decided it was doable, and flew up there this morning. One of them took this video of my landing. Note there are high line wires on approach, about 200' from the strip. Wind was a fairly light direct crosswind right to left, but landing the other direction is all downhill. I wanted to land uphill on my first landing, then later I took off and landed downhill. It is a lot longer roll out going downhill.

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Comment by Jimmy Young on May 11, 2020 at 11:24am
Yesterday I landed at this strip owned by a gentleman who is looking to buy a 750. He had contacted me last week asking if it was doable, so I drove up to meet him and take a look. Its an 800’ strip 31-13 and is mostly uphill when landing 31. It has high line wires SE of 13 about 200’ beyond the strip threshold. You can see them in the video. Wind was 90° crosswind right to left, but fairly light, I’d guess 5-6 mph. After visiting a while I departed on 13 and did another downhill landing on 13. It was the first landing done on his new strip, had a good day.

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