This is a video to test various views using the new Contour+ camera, mounted with a suction cup to the plane. Pretty cool - look at it full screen in HD mode.
I'm using the NFlightCam - this is the super-compact Contour+ cam which records in full HD and has some great new features. NFlightCam adds a cable to plug in your aviation headset and uses a new filter to minimize annoying prop flicker.
I'm using the Mini Fat Gecko mount from Delco (this is the best $35 you can spend) that securely mounts the camera to any smooth surface with a single suction cup!
We'll keep playing with this...

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 328


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Comment by Sebastien Heintz on April 14, 2015 at 11:53am

Marc Webster of Cloudbase Engineering send us this nice mount for the CH 650 Cruzer wing strut. This specialty mount is lightweight, easy-to-install and rugged. Marc also makes camera mounts for the  STOL CH 701 round wing struts. Marc Webster: 661-312-3596 /

Comment by Sebastien Heintz on April 14, 2015 at 11:19am

Inside the CH650, we've had good success using this standard GoPro suction cup to mount the camera virtually anywhere to the canopy:

Comment by Sebastien Heintz on April 14, 2015 at 11:15am

On the top of the low-wing CH 650 wing, this double suction cup mount (inexpensive RAM mount) works well, shown here with my Garmin VIRB camera:

Comment by Walt Snyder on December 19, 2013 at 1:22pm

Thanks, Sebastien, I'm curious to see what you find out about the filters for the GoPro. My understanding was they do compromise the quality of the film, and for those of us with National Geographic in mind :) I wonder if you can tell the difference. I have the Go Pro black edition also, and it is amazing, the prop distortion being the only negative side. The new Garmin VIRB is supposedly going to have the 2014 model with a feature that eliminates the prop distortion, so it will be interesting to see the comparison with the GoPro. 

Walt Snyder

Comment by Sebastien Heintz on December 19, 2013 at 10:50am

Update: I'm currently using a GoPro Hero3 black edition camera, with the same suction cup mount.  I still use the suction cup mount for most mounting (both inside and out, at my own peril!).  The GoPro camera is great both for video and stills, and the remote controller is finally here!  You can also use an external mic (with aviation headset adapter from NflightCam, but my plug kept falling out and then broke off) but I prefer placing a small mic in my headset for cockpit audio. NflightCam also sells filters to get rid rid of annoying prop flicker common in videos (the ones that are plastic covers over the lens are kind of cheap and fall off easily. I just ordered a new filter... we'll see how it goes).

Comment by Zenith.Aero on January 7, 2013 at 3:00pm

One of the features I like most about the NflightCam (which is the "aviation" version of the Contour camera) is the ability to use my iPhone (and other smartphones) as a remote control for the camera and view finder, so I can capture the exact view (frame) that I want and I can start/stop recording wirelessly with the camera mounted on the wing.  Very cool!

Above: On my iPhone I view (via Bluetooth) what the NflightCam is recording... with start/stop record button.
(The camera also records GPS position - I haven't really played with this yet).

Comment by Zenith.Aero on January 7, 2013 at 2:43pm

Here's the NFlightCam+ on the Fat Gecko suction cup mount:

More Info:

NFlightCam: (other compact video cameras such as GoPro seem to also work very well).

Fat Gecko Mount:

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