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Another grass field T/O. Kaikora, East coast , South Island New Zealand
Additional comments about 1/2 flap T/O on my 601XLB. 1/2 flap T/O is good for soft field situations or long grass fields. Technique is to hold back quite a lot of stick early on the T/O roll so the nose wheel sits off the ground. Care and practice is required not to over do it and put the tail on the ground. My A/C will do this quite easily due to the main gear position (composite legs). The A/C will fly off in this attitude about 30 - 35 kts. Then progressively stick forward to maintain height and accelerate and raise the flap. With out flap the unstick speed is higher (about 40 kts). I still haven't measured distances but there is no doubt its shorter due to the lower unstick speeds. I would not use this technique in a cross wind or a firm surface airfield - no advantage. I have a Camit 120 HP engine installed so the extra power and marginally lighter weigh Engine compared to the 912 Rotax may also help.
I need to do some measuring. Will post the results
Take off with half flaps, how many feet for take off?
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