Road trip to Texas: kit deliveries, workshop class and more!

Sebastien Heintz and Roger Dubbert took the Zenith cargo van on a road trip to Texas recently (from the Zenith kit aircraft factory in Mexico, Missouri) to host a hands-on Zenith workshop class in southwest Texas. Join them as they deliver an aircraft kit along the way and check out the workshop activities.
This video provides an overview of the trip, with the workshop activities on Friday, February 24, 2023, at Boerne Stage Airfield (north of San Antonio), where 13 Zenith aircraft kit rudders were assembled. The hands-on workshop class is to introduce first-time aircraft builders to the tools and skills needed to build their own all-metal Zenith kit aircraft. Participants are typically surprised at how quick and easy these new kits are to assemble! The workshop was organized by Bill Fahey and hosted in Jaime Pujol and Mark Ogden's hangar at Boerne Stage Airfield. The Zenith staff wholeheartedly thank Bill, as well we Mark and Jaime, for organizing and hosting this event, whose relentless support of sport aviation goes beyond all expectations! We're also thankful to Dave Tillema, Darrin and Lois Towers, and Hank Morgan, who flew in with their Zeniths to attend the event, and thankful to Jan and Alissa Eggenfellner of Viking Aircraft Engines who made the trip from Florida to meet with Texas builders and flyers. Thanks as well to all the area Zenith builders who came by to visit. What a great community of Texas builders and flyers! We're already looking forward to returning in 2024!

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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Comment by Zenith Aero on March 8, 2023 at 12:04pm

Jaime Pujol helped host the Zenith workshop in Boerne, Texas, and put together this video of the activities.

Jaime is also building himself a Zenith STOL. Subscribe to his YouTube channel:

Comment by Zenith Aero on March 8, 2023 at 12:03pm

Here's another follow-up video of the Zenith workshop class in Boerne, Texas:

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