Zenith Aircraft Kit Building Workshop and Demo Flight

Here's an inside look at the popular hands-on kit building workshop at the Zenith aircraft kit factory in Mexico, Missouri. Watch as the workshop participants start building their own rudder (vertical tail) section, learning about the skills and tools needed to build their own aircraft (from a kit). Then watch as demo pilot Roger Dubbert takes Christal up for a demo flight in the STOL CH750 SkyJeep (powered by a 120-hp Jabiru 3300 engine). Christal and her husband Matt built the rudder for the STOL CH 750 light sport utility kit aircraft at the factory workshop.
Zenith Aircraft Company's factory workshops are popular with sport aviation enthusiasts, giving them the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience in building their own Zenith Aircraft kit plane. Participants actually start assembling kit parts under the direction and guidance of factory professionals, and "graduate" from the workshop upon completing construction of their own aircraft rudder tail section for one of Zenith Aircraft Company's popular kit aircraft designs, including the high-wing Zenith CH 750 series or the sleek low-wing Zenith CH 650 cruiser.
The workshop makes an excellent getaway for you and your spouse or a friend! Spend a couple of days at the Zenith Aircraft factory and meet with fellow aviation enthusiasts - all while gaining valuable hands-on building skills. And don't forget: A demo flight is part of the factory workshop experience in a Zenith factory demo airplane!

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