Zenith Aircraft Webinar: EAA Homebuilders Week: Friday, January 31st

Zenith Aircraft's Sebastien Heintz and Roger Dubbert will provide updates from Zenith Aircraft Company, to share details about their popular all-metal kit aircraft designs, as well as available engine and avionics options.
Get the latest live updates from the maker of the number one brand of light sport aircraft*, and learn why Zenith Aircraft expanded its production facilities in central Missouri. Learn why Zenith kits are more popular today than ever before, and learn how easily you can get started building your own Zenith.
Register online for this free webinar event. Register here:

This is a free educational webinar, and is recommended to first time builders who are considering building their own aircraft. Registration is required for this free webinar event. Don't forget to invite your friends to the educational webinar: https://zenith.aero/events/eaa-webinar-zenith-aircraft-kits-plans

This webinar is part of EAA's annual EAA Homebuilders Week online event. Experts from the homebuilt aircraft community will bring their knowledge and information to builders everywhere through free and interactive webinars.

* Based on actual FAA registrations.

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