Hi All

I have a pneumatic riveter, is it possible to get the customised heads and retro fit them?


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I have seen at least 3 different threads on the rivet heads so it may be hard to get the proper heads, Zenith will machine your heads or you can easily machine your own, I shot a video early on that shows the process.


As mentioned Zenith will machine your heads for you but that involves shipping them back and forth. Others have machined them at home using Dremel tools, rotary burrs, all kinds of things. As also mentioned there are several threads in this discussion forum about forming the heads. Unless you have dimensions from someplace it involves trial and error, machine it a bit and then set a rivit with it. If you don't like the head it forms, machine it a bit more and set another rivit with it and check that result. Repeat until happy.

I took the easy way out since I only owned a hardware store pop rivit puller. I bought both the manual and pnuematic puller from Zenith with the modified heads. That way I know I will have the heads exactly the way the design intends.

dimensions are easy, 1/4" carbide burr, depth is until the outer diameter of the cut is just slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the rivet head, polish until smooth and you are done. Same tool and procedure for a4 or a5 rivets.

No annealing or heat treat necessary. In reality it takes less than a half hour to do both sizes, a carbide burr for the dremel(about $10) and a piece of silicone carbide sandpaper or cratex wheel for the dremel.

Thanks Bob and Dan

I eventually found the posts, I was using the wrong search terms.

I will give the modifications a go myself, Distance between Missouri and Australia makes it a long wait

the video I linked to is an early one and not a good one. The content is valid just poor quality. I have a better one in editing now. Should have it posted by tomorrow

Hi Dan

I took a look at the video, no issues with the quality.

Haven seen it, I now feel more confident and will definitely give it a go.


Hi Dan, I recently purchased 600 Avex 1/8” rivets, that are from Aircraft Spruce. Their part number is

1604-0412. The heads on these are smaller diameter than my rivet heads. So being that the outer edge of the rivet head does not come out to the edge of the head will they cup properly if I grind the heads. Or are these possibly incorrect heads.


Hi Robert: Yes they will work fine. When I said that the rivet should match the head I was refering to the outer edge of the rivet needs to match the outer edge of the cutout you are going to make on the rivet nose. I will upload a drawing in just a few minutes.

Dan you are Awesome, thanks so much.

re-uploaded my drawing


this is the updated video


Thanks Dan

Will give it a go, great video



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