I am looking for specifically Pistons, heads, rings, etc. for the series 1 Jabiru 2200 A engine.

Anyone who could help would be much appreciated.

 I have one that is a running engine and am doing the SB's needed but would like to modify it to try a few little things. Then look for (Looking now Even) an Rotex 912S mid time that is in decent flying condition. I have cash, lots of parts for lots of different planes and I'm an A&P/IA. I sure could use the help. I've been away for a while and am now back and ready to Fly again. and get back to work helping customers who need it.

Thank you all for your support. this is for a Z-701 scratch built I'm trying to finish.

Thanks Again

Dennis Dixon 


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I have a Jabiru 2200 A  engine complete.. I flew it for a while. I had a valve freeze up. The boys in Shelby TN. sent me the head repaired. While this was taking place I acquired a 912 uls. I am still flying Rotax. I would like $5K. I live in NM. KONM.


Jerry Griego 575 418 0685

Hey Jerry tanks for the come back. tell me more of what you have and would be willing to part with? I'd like to finish up the Jabiru and only need a few things to set her right for whatever time she will make with proper care. I had one years ago and believe it or not, it was a great engine for the quirks it had. settled in with it and put 540 hours on it and never a problem. pre maintenance was always a must though. I'd like to find a 912 S and re do it but I'd need the whole package, firewall forward. I've got a set of floats (straight) that I built a few years back and never used them, would like to rig them for a quick on/off system of some sort using the 3 wheel system. (nose wheel) zenair 

not a lot of 912's out there it appears. I think they are all going to Ukraine for drone bombs??. or recon...

 If you know of anybody selling a 912S complete engine, usable parts ETC.  I'd appreciate a quick shout out from you or anybody out there. listening reading so on... I haven't been around for a while as i said but trying to paddle my way back up stream.. very slow but constant LOL. Iv e got a nearly finished 750 with a don's dream machine engine STC'D in it.  I'd like to DAR it, fly it a bit, and pass Her on to someone who's looking for a new well built plane with all the "stuff". 

 Again Thanks for the shout out

Dennis Dixon

Sunny Florida (sometimes lately)

Hello Dennis

The complete motor with the repaired head. needs to be put on motor. Also includes the complete exhaust system. $5K. I also have the 701 engine mount for zenith 701, complete painted cowling and a Sensenich 2 blade propellor for an additional cost. Lets get off the Zenith site. Please call me direct.

Jerry Griego

KONM Socorro Nm usually sunny and warm, cold as ice this week 


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