Hi all,

Just disassembled my wings for deburring and final riveting. I'm looking at my plans and they say 5 rivets A5 for the ribs to spar. They came pre drilled with 6 A4 holes. Does anyone off the top of their head remember if the rivet size for the nose/tail ribs to spar is A5 or A4? I'm not sure which to drive in. This is a 2024 kit if that makes any difference. 

My hunch is that the pre drilled holes are A4 pilot holes and they are meant to be resized for A5 and riveted but I'd rather ask here than make a mistake. 

Also assuming the paper plans that call for 5 A5 holes are out of date.



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Hi Michael,

It is not straight forward, it appears each station has a different prescription. There should be a table on your plans and the page after shows you stations. See attached photos 2003 plans. You should always check for written updates published after your plans were published, particularly when something does not make sense.


Hi Perry,

Thank you very much. I was getting my detail off of the wrong page in the plans, I was getting my riveting detail off of 7v8 where it shows the  optional tie down ring. I must have completely glossed over 7v2 and missed that box. Thank you for the fresh set of eyes and pictures!! 

greatly appreciated.


Note: The plans may have changed to all A5, thus you may not have a table, just an instruction.


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