
I am calculating my weight and balance for my Cruzer using the Zenith form that is posted online (form 750-CRZ-w&b).

I am not having any problem figuring out the empty CG. That part is pretty straight forward. However, I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to use the bottom of the form where you figure out forward and aft CG limits. It doesn’t make any sense to me. With this form, I don’t know how to calculate what is forward, what is aft, and how to calculate the arm. 

Does anyone have a completed form that they could post as a sample?  If not, an explanation?


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Hi Fred,

Zenith sets the limits, they are fixed (I found 270-480mm from the datum) Cruzer wb so you should not need to calculate them, or am I misunderstanding you? I have a weight and balance for a 701 in both Excel or Google Sheets I’m happy to send you if it helps, you can manipulate it to change the data to suit a Cruzer.

Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it very much. Without people responding to these questions this forum would be pretty useless, so your response is very valuable.

I have since figured it out but my baggage area is different from standard because I modified the baggage area from the most recent model. Even at that, I have no idea where they came up with 1600 mm for the arm for the baggage area. That would put it between the aft wall and the “hell hole”. 

I think one thing that confused me was that my empty CG was directly in the center of the CG range, but once I put  a pilot, passenger, and fuel into the calculation my CG was way aft of the limit. 

I have since replaced the  4 pound lithium battery with a 14 pound glass mat battery and brought the CG forward a bit. Even with that change, fully loaded I am right on the aft limit. I have the Jabiru engine. I think the motor mount should be more foreword for such a light engine. 

I would also appreciate it if you could send me your spreadsheet.  I think I could probably adjust it for my Cruzer ( or I could get my teenage nephew to do it for me 😁). It would make it much easier if anything changes (paint, baggage, etc). 

Thanks again,


No problem Fred! I’ll send you a friend request, accept it and send me your email address and I’ll send the file.


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