Ron D Leclerc
  • East St Paul,MB
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  • Jonathan Kreilich
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  • Earnest Fontenot
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Ron D Leclerc's Page

Profile Information

Aircraft Model
STOL CH 701, CH 750 Cruzer
Project Status
Less than half
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Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired Realtor, Retired Civil Engineer, Business Owner and Retired Long Distance Transport Driver[in my other life]...

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Ron D Leclerc's Blog

Honda® Fit conversion update - HondaFitAircraftEngine-Owners

Posted on August 4, 2014 at 2:32pm 1 Comment

Here is the most recent update on the Honda Fit conversion at -

"Honda Fit Aircraft Engine Owners and newbee's to this small slice of the pie in general aviation -

Just wanted to update folks who weren't able to attend one of our two Educational Forums on 'Converting the…


Honda Fit Engine Conversion Update #2

Posted on December 22, 2013 at 1:12pm 4 Comments

Raven Honda Fit Engine  Conversion(Pt. 2)

We're now on:  'How do we plan to optimize and streamline the auto engine to aircraft process' from our initial outline below.

Come New Years we enter our 19th year of converting auto engines for aircraft.  After doing both Reduction Drive Kits and Complete FWF Engine packages and working with a lot of great builders of all different skill sets, my number one observation of the homebuilt aircraft build process is that if you as a…


Honda Fit Engine Conversion Update

Posted on December 15, 2013 at 6:44pm 4 Comments

HondaFitAircraftEngine-Owners update as posted at:


This will be Pt. 1 of a short series on Raven Redrives goals and intended market for our new Honda® Jazz/Fit 1.5L 115/140+HP turbo engine.

Our now 18 year long endeavor to 'keep flying affordable through the adaptation…


Honda Fit Engine Conversion Update

Posted on November 15, 2013 at 3:53pm 1 Comment

On Friday the Oct 25th and Saturday the 26th educational seminars by Jeron Smith of Raven ReDrives Inc. were held at CopperState EAA Airshow.

Jeron Smith comments about the educational seminars he presented!  To keep up with further updates, got to - -

"Just a quick note to let folks know that I'm back from Copperstate EAA…


Honda Fit Engine Conversion for use in Aircraft

Posted on October 31, 2013 at 3:15pm 1 Comment

On Friday the Oct 25th and Saturday the 26th educational seminars by Jeron Smith of Raven ReDrives Inc.cell 303-440-6234 was held at CopperState EAA Airshow. Friday featured the Geo®/Suzuki® and Honda® Engine Conversions. Saturday featured a talk on the progress of there Honda® Jazz/Fit 110-140+ HP engine and another covering our 'Super-STOL' Cargo Aircraft design mated to this Honda® engine. Hop up on the CopperState 2013 website for more info...

For those builders contemplating…


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At 6:41am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on ( ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 6:58pm on August 15, 2015, Jonathan Kreilich said…

Thank you for the information, I am a ways out of needing an engine but want to do some research to find an engine that will work for the 750 and not cost more then the plane.  Any input you have will be appreciated.  I also like your modified wing design and plan to use it on the plane rather than the slats.  Thank you again for your response.

At 9:57pm on October 10, 2014, Earnest Fontenot said…

Thanks Ron,
It is challenging to work out how to create the parts. It is quite satisfying when they are done and they match the dimensions of the drawings within a fraction of a millimeter!


At 8:00am on September 13, 2013, Normand Lambert said…

Hi Ron,

I checked the photos...Ok for the elevator. I went to the Savannah website and checked their VGs on wings. They are all spaced equally for the entire wing...I guess that if you wanted the wing to stall inboard first you would want to have more VGs (spaced closer) near the wingtip compared to the ones installed near the cabin...

 Since the 701 has washout at the tip and flaps are somewhat down (compared to the ailerons), our wings will always stall from the cabin outward to the tip, we can also use the equal spacing for the wing VGs. The 701 wingtip and aileron should continue to stall last thus retaining full attitude control.

Still pondering... and with the weather being so-so, not yet ready to install.



At 1:55pm on September 9, 2013, Normand Lambert said…

Hi Ron,

Single, doubles so ...For the placement between 8% to 12% It is fine. For the SPACING it does not add up I will run out of VGs before the whole wing is done.

Still have to check for correct spacing .

I'll let you know.


At 1:01pm on September 9, 2013, Normand Lambert said…

Hi Ron,

If you were to put 1 Vg every 60mm (6cm) you would need 5 per foot X 12 feet per wing = 60 per wing (120 for 2 wings) !!!

The wing kit only has 46 aluminum VGs... If I wanted to put them at equal distance, I would have to put them 6 inches apart for the whole wing... (23 per wing = 1 every 6 inches)...

I understand that if you wanted the center part of the wing to stall first, you would put the wingtip VGs closer together than the ones near the wing root... But how close and is it needed for our CH701s?

Your thoughts ?



At 7:25am on September 9, 2013, Normand Lambert said…

Hi Ron,

That's where I took the info but the placement is for their PLASTIC VGs and mine are like yours Aluminum...So, I'm still trying to figure out the spacing. The placement on the wing is OK but the different spacing (outboard/inboard) is still being debated...

Any toughts ? Regards,


At 9:11pm on May 23, 2013, jim miller said…
Hi Ron the weight and ballence came to 735 lbs and I am at the forward limit at 11 .5inches empty .personally I would like to move my battery back to the back of the plane as I think the forward limit doesn't work well for the solo ops and I don't think I can add enough weight to the plane to reach the rear limit at 1200 lbs gross so I think I will just move my battery back and I think it will fly better not that there's anything wrong with wats the set up now I just think that it will make slow flight landing even easier all good thanks Jim. When are you going to be flying
At 9:03pm on May 23, 2013, jim miller said…
Hi Ron I did all the mods myself i have a sheet metal fab shop I get after the latest prop change 80 mph at 4900 rpm and 700 feet a Minuit at 60 mph temps were at most 195 deg so far it's working good
At 12:12am on May 14, 2013, jim miller said…
Hi Ron yes it was worth the wider cabin ,I flew a stock 701 for a few days with two people on board before I got my papers and it flys the same but it feels like a much larger plane in fact I had mine and the stock 701 side by side and every one was commenting on how much bigger mine looked also because I made the gear 3 inches longer and mine has larger tundra tires but the flight characteristics feel the same .very very happy with it .thanks Jim

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